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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:24
sub menu that looks like calendar
Poster: Jaco
Dated: Thursday November 24 2005 - 12:27:59 GMT
Hello, would it be possible to make a sub-menu that looks like a calendar. It would have to look like a table with dates within each box and text with the possibility of a tooltip on each box.
Thanks for any help.
Look like a calendar...etc.
Poster: Migru
Dated: Thursday November 24 2005 - 17:11:31 GMT
There is one "calendar" promised, soon to come... I will wait for that....
but, yes I had the idea too, to create something looking like a calendar, could be done as follows: on principle: (ideas only, i did not do it !!)
. definition of menu topics (28,29,30,31..depending on the month)
- placing them into rows and colums
The definitions have to be arranged in a way, that the itemwidth of each item has to be the same.
The styles have to be drawn up, so it will look like a calendar.
Rows and columns ara automatically created, when a vertical menu is "divided" by the "divides" property, menu definition e.g. "divides=5;"
You will have to get exactly 7 days in one row (or column), so the minimum number of items in that menu will have to be e.g. 28, (divides=4) and for all the other months 35, with the balance topics/days exceeding 29, 30 or 31, will have to stay empty/space or be black colored etc..
I am using an arrangement similar to that for the navigation within long files, with alphabetically sorted content, called it submenu: "A-Z".
The Milonic "Multi columns menu" will help !! (It helped me too!)
Michael (Migru)
PS: Maybe someone of the "team" has a better idea? I would like to know about it. ... waiting for the calendar !
looks like a calendar
Poster: Migru
Dated: Friday November 25 2005 - 14:30:39 GMT
just made one - for fun only, 10 minutes copying, cut and paste work !!
But nevertheless I´ll wait for the calendar, urgent need !!!
Michael (Migru)
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday November 27 2005 - 5:23:51 GMT
Try these to play around. They use the openstyle=tab and the Amazon Tabbed Style type layout. Make sure you take a look at the text file in the zip. It's got generic submenus in it for every month, what day it starts etc.
Calendar Style Submenus Test
There's a zip file to download, but no menu files in it. Tooltips is because I played with some designs, make sure it doesn't overwrite your existing tooltips if you have one.
Have fun
Poster: Migru
Dated: Monday November 28 2005 - 10:28:20 GMT
most appreciated.
Michael (Migru)