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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:23

still quirky behavior in FireFox... {SOLVED}

Poster: wkilc
Dated: Friday November 25 2005 - 3:03:18 GMT

Hi all,

Posted this the last week... thought it was resolved, I had made a dumb error with an invalid path... but now that it's corrected... a new problem arises.

Last year, Andy helped me by using the menu to design these "pseudo" pull-down menus for this form (cannot thank you enought for that!):

After upgrading from 5.727 to 5.735, and then finally the pre-release of 5.736, the pseudo-menu no longer functions in FireFox 1.07. And it seems to be occasionally buggy IE 6.0. (Menu sometimes fails to appear.)

Scroll down to the big table and click into a field, say "Instrument" or "Grade". In FF 1.07... it flickers and never come back.

Here's the odd thing, tab into those fields and it the menu appears perfectly.

Would it be best for me to simply roll back to 5.272 for this form thingy and use the newer version on my main site navigation menu?

Thanks everyone.


Poster: Andy
Dated: Friday November 25 2005 - 12:19:35 GMT


Try adding the following to your menu_data file (or after the mmenudom.js call)


What this does is disable to body click that hides the menus, it's intefering with your code.

Hope this helps,

Poster: wkilc
Dated: Friday November 25 2005 - 13:26:44 GMT

Thank you!... Andy you da' man!

I added it here:
with(menuStyle=new mm_style()){
fontfamily="Verdana, Tahoma, Arial";

...and now it works again!

We used this form to register a few thousand students for All-State this year... as far as I can tell it functioned perfectly! I simply re-directed anyone with JS disabled and showed them how to turn it back on. (Although I don't think it was ever an issue.)

One more question... if I may be so bold... and this isn't a new issue... and doesn't keep it from working correctly.. but when I use FireFox... there has always been a bit of distortion that appears for a fraction of a second before the larger pseudo-menu generates (Instrument). Do you see it? I guess it would have to do with processor speed?

Thanks again!


Poster: Andy
Dated: Tuesday November 29 2005 - 11:28:24 GMT


The distortion is just the way that Firefox works.

I'll see if we can come up with a workaround.


Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday November 29 2005 - 14:22:43 GMT

Pretty cool setup, Wayne.

Poster: wkilc
Dated: Tuesday November 29 2005 - 21:10:26 GMT

Thanks John! It's mostly's Andy's handiwork, though.

I added a JS "dependency" validation script this year... on the actual application page, in the table for listing students... a sponsor cannot submit the form if a name is entered in the first column "Name" and the any of the remaining fields are left blank. It will say "ERROR - John does not have an instrument". But it allows for completely blank rows... and the form script itself actually ignores empty rows in the final output so it all looks neat and pretty.
