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Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:23
Passing parameters within URL
Poster: BigJohnson
Dated: Tuesday November 29 2005 - 10:33:50 GMT
I'm attempting to pass a parameter within a menu URl which in inself seems easy enough.
aI("text=Document Masters;url=../../prosys/admin/pro_Document_List.asp?strMenuPage=1;");
However, I cannot seem to call it from and ASP page, ie
Does anyone have any ideas?
Poster: Andy
Dated: Tuesday November 29 2005 - 12:32:23 GMT
This should work:
aI("text=Document Masters;url=../../prosys/admin/pro_Document_List.asp?strMenuPage=<%=Request("strMenuPage")%>;");
Provided the variable strMenuPage is set and your menu_data.js page has been renamed to menu_data.asp.
Hope this helps,
Poster: BigJohnson
Dated: Tuesday November 29 2005 - 14:10:59 GMT
The parameter that I'm attempting to pass is actually fix, ie "1"
aI("text=Document Masters;url=../../prosys/admin/pro_Document_List.asp?strMenuPage=1;");
The problem that I seem to be having is that my asp page that is calling the parameter doesn't seem to recognise the variable.
<% IF Request("strMenuPage") = "1" Then......
Poster: Andy
Dated: Wednesday November 30 2005 - 11:13:40 GMT
Can you echo the value to the page?
Something like response.write(request("strMenuPage")) - it's a been a while since i played with ASP so the above is problably completely wrong.
This does sound like either a server or an ASP issue.
Can you get it work if you call the page directly by typing the URL into the address bar?