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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:25

offclass onclass style defs doesnt work

Poster: webmaster_magnolia
Dated: Thursday November 17 2005 - 18:37:24 GMT

milonic Version 5.734

aI("text= Focus on writing ;url=;offclass=mmleerzoncolor;onclass=mmleerzoffcolor;");

with stale defs in html file:
<style type="text/css">
.mmleerzoncolor { font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;color:#ed8036;}
.mmleerzoffcolor { font-weight:bold; font-style:italic;color:#ed8036;}

any errors in the code??

thx for help Rainer

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday November 17 2005 - 19:01:08 GMT


No errors. Upgrade to 5.735 and test it.


Poster: webmaster_magnolia
Dated: Thursday November 17 2005 - 23:34:21 GMT

tested, but no success
the menu item is displayed in
normal, standard color and no italic style!

working alternative:
aI("text=&nbsp;<i><b>Focus on writing<\/i><\/b>;offcolor=#ed8036;

but not nice in coding ;-)

thanks for help

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday November 17 2005 - 23:54:38 GMT


It seems the default for fontstyle is normal. That means that in the menuStyle there is no necessity to have fontstyle="normal"; since it will default to that. What I discovered was, if that is coded into the style, then coding a class with font-style:italic; will not override the fontstyle listed in the menu. So, try removing the fontstyle="normal"; from the menuStyle of the menu_data.js file and see if that allows the italic to show in the off/on class.


Poster: webmaster_magnolia
Dated: Friday November 18 2005 - 0:16:28 GMT

thanks that s working for bold and italic - because i am using the standards in the menu - the color needs to be set by an extra offcolor=#ed8036;

Its a workaround and i know now whats going on ...

thanks a lot

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday November 18 2005 - 1:09:27 GMT

I don't really know the whole circumstances since I haven't seen your menu data, but it is possible if you need to change one or two items to actually code most of the properties into an item. The links below my name go to the different properties, style, menu and item properties. Many of the style properties have matching item properties, or maybe I should say many of those properties are dual and can be used either in the menuStyle or in an item.
