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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:26
more IE vs 'the world' positioning issues
Poster: joedan
Dated: Tuesday November 15 2005 - 14:54:49 GMT
Trying to build a simple menu that needs to be positioned precisely. (Don't they all

The background graphic has an area on it where the menu is supposed to be positioned. See the actual background graphic here:
In Safari and Firefox, the milonic menu is positioned correctly. (I've temporarily colored the menu red so you can see it). But in Explorer on PC and Mac the menu sits a couple of points too high.
Any thoughts on what positioning magic I'm missing? (I'd like to avoid TABLES if at all possible.)
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday November 15 2005 - 17:01:08 GMT
It's a margin problem. All the browsers seem to have a different default margin so if you don't specify one they use the default and it gives you different positions. If you specify the margin in your css styles that should take care of it. I always use margin:0px, but any specified margin should work.