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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:26
Menu hidden by frame
Poster: waldo
Dated: Tuesday November 8 2005 - 12:39:19 GMT
I've the following problem.
I'm working with frame. My menu is in the top frame. When I open 1 item of my menu, the display of the vertical menu stops at the border of my frame. I also tried to use iframe but the problem remains.
Has someone a solution for this ??
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday November 8 2005 - 14:45:06 GMT
Hi Waldo,
The menu shouldn't drop behind an iframe, except in Opera which treats iframes as frames. If you are using frames there is a frames version of the menu. When you unzip the file you should have a folder for extras/frames.
To help you with the frames setup try the Frames DEMO You must have the newest version of the menu 5.734 for support on this.
Hope this helps