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Taken From The Forum: Beginners Guide - Polls & Suggestions
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:27
Just an idea on "headers"
Poster: Migru
Dated: Thursday November 3 2005 - 14:17:16 GMT
Hi there,
It is amazing how fast a menu/menu-system could be set up and brought in operation, compared with my earlier "trials" starting as a beginner in this field. Found "headers" useful, when submenus, e.g. in the third level had to be created, marked by them(headers). But then - scrolling submenus make headers disappear ! IsnĀ“t it possible to "fix" headers, so they do not scroll, when they are placed on top and the rest of the "field" of a longer list of topics is scrolling? There is no need at the moment for an urgent discussion on this, it is just an idea, could improve this feature.
Michael (Migru)