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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:26

Force menu width

Poster: shinji_rem
Dated: Monday November 14 2005 - 16:16:58 GMT


i have a small mistake with my menu.

I would like to force menu width because my menu has sub horizontal menus, and for items at right side, text is displayed over page; I would like my items at right displayed for right to left.

Thanks for your support.


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday November 14 2005 - 18:06:03 GMT

There is a menu property called menuwidth=; which you can use to assign the width of the menu. There is also itemwidth= which can be used to size items.

What do you mean displayed right to left? Are you saying you want the submenus to open to the left?

If you have a page it would be most helpful. Trying to figure out from just a description can cause misunderstandings as to what the person wants.


Poster: shinji_rem
Dated: Tuesday November 15 2005 - 9:41:24 GMT

Here a sample of my menu :

Sub menus called "Actu/Agenda" and "Coup de projecteur" are bad displayed, I would like it be displayed from right to left, because currently they are over main table and it looks bad at display.


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday November 15 2005 - 10:45:39 GMT

I hope I'm understanding, and that you want the submenus of those two items to be more toward the 'center' of the menu, shifted toward the left. If that's correct, try the following

with(milonic=new menuname("sub2_8")){

with(milonic=new menuname("sub2_9")){

You can change the left="offset=x"; to whatever looks as you want it.


Poster: shinji_rem
Dated: Tuesday November 15 2005 - 11:13:29 GMT

Thanks for your quick answer but my menu is dynamic, I make it with PHP so I can't specify property like "left="offset=180";",

yet is there a property to set main menu width, then to avoid sub menus to go over main menu width ?

Else for the latest sub menus, can I force sub menus display from right to left ?


Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday November 16 2005 - 14:41:36 GMT

Note that you also need to remove the class statement from the Milonic link so it is visible.

Poster: shinji_rem
Dated: Wednesday November 16 2005 - 14:54:22 GMT

Sorry but I don't really understand your answer, what is "class statement of Milonic" ?

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday November 16 2005 - 15:42:21 GMT


You are not using a purchased version of the menu and this requires that you have a visible link back to You have a link but the div class for where you have that link is .milonic {display:none} meaning the link is invisible. The link back to Milonic for the free menu must be visible.

As to the other issue. I don't know anything about php dynamic menus. I would have to believe they have the same properties available so I don't understand why you can't set the offsets. The only other thing I can suggest is that you set the menu width smaller, though I don't know how you'd do that and keep the same amount of links.

There is the left=offset=x"; and you can also set openstyle="rtl"; but that will also have to be set in the same place as the left="offset="; I gave you and you say you can't put it there.

The only other suggestion I can make, if you can't set the left= in the menu definition, you can make a different style for each of those two submenus that you want to shift back to the left and you can set the left="offset=x"; in the style for the menu. You'd actually use the same style you have but you'd copy it twice and give each copy a different name and apply that name to each menu, adding the left="offset=x"; in the style section.


Poster: shinji_rem
Dated: Wednesday November 16 2005 - 17:10:20 GMT

I have put the link again , don't matter, I try to have the best result before purchasing Milonic.
