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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:26
Poster: webspaceunlimited
Dated: Wednesday November 9 2005 - 17:05:01 GMT
Hi there
I have in the past used menus from apycom and they have annoying issue with regards to producing a menu that requires jvm and also has an annoying habit of showing nothing but a link to their site when viewed on some computers behind firewalls.
Further problems are that when a site is indexed and cached by a search engine the apycom menu will have an incorrect jkey so... when a cahed page is viewed there is no ability to navigate the cached site.
As I am completely unfamiliar with milonic I would welcome reassurance that this menu will not suffer the same litergy of problems.. if it dioesnt then I appologise in advance for raising the issues.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday November 10 2005 - 1:35:07 GMT
Don't apologize, they are good questions. I can only say I have not seen any complaints on the forums about the issues you mentioned. The menu does not require java, it is DHTML and javascript. A basic menu, without a bunch of fancy functions, css styles and such will work in Netscape 4.79 [which I still have for testing purposes]
You can download an evaluation version from the main site to test it. It's a very versatile menu.
There is a set of demos . The ones at the top were created based on functions requested by users so they might give you an idea about things that can be done. The ones at the bottom are examples of the Bolt-on Modules by Milonic.
Poster: webspaceunlimited
Dated: Thursday November 10 2005 - 8:37:28 GMT
thanks for the reply - I ill play around with the evaluation ones today - see if I can replicate the environments in which the appycom fails - if all works as I hope then will happily buy a few licences