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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:27
changing position of the submenus
Poster: smurfke666
Dated: Friday November 4 2005 - 14:56:10 GMT
I kinda have the feeling this question is asked before
don't shoot me, I just couldn't find the right topic
The problem is: the submenus cover the bottom part of my topmenu (horizontal)
where can I find the variable for changing the distance between the top- and the submenu?
See what I mean? The underline of the menu is covered with the submenu...
I'd appreciate your help
Milonic Rulez !
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday November 4 2005 - 17:04:29 GMT
I think that with horizontal menus the subs are positioned automatically and the subOffsetTop doesn't do anything. In the submenu itself you can try using top="offset=x"; where x is the number of pixels needed to shift it down.
If you have a link to the page it would be helpful to make sure that it's not something else that is causing that. The submenu should drop right below and not cover the menu. Are you using overfilters and is that image from a IE browser? Some of the overfilter filters will cause that type of behaviour.
Poster: smurfke666
Dated: Saturday November 5 2005 - 9:04:16 GMT
The image is indeed from an IE browser, but I've checked it in Firefox, and it's just the same. I haven't used overfilters, so that can't cause this.
I think this is just something you can't change...
Anyway, thanks for the reply
Oh yes: link to the page:
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday November 5 2005 - 12:54:04 GMT
Actually, it is adjustable. Thanks for the link, that helps. You are using popup and images to open and position the menu. You can specify the offsets and you can even set up an opening delay.
popup('activiteiten','activiteitenmenu',x px, y px); where x and y are the number of pixels you want to shift it down and left/right respectively. You'd use negative numbers to shift the menu left and up, and positive to shift it down and right.
The popup information is down at the bottom of this page.