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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:26

can't get iframes to work

Poster: gnosis
Dated: Tuesday November 15 2005 - 0:29:56 GMT

Hi, I've just started with this menu V5 and am trying to get iframes to work. I am obviously missing something???

I have the sample11.

i have
with(milonic=new menuname("Links")){
aI("status=Apache Web Server, the basis of Milonic's Web Site;text=Apache Web Server;url=javascript:openIFrame('tempiframe','');");
aI("status=MySQL, Milonic's Prefered Choice of Database Server;text=MySQL Database Server;url=javascript:openIFrame('tempiframe','');");
aI("status=PHP - Web Server Scripting as used by Milonic;text=PHP - Development;url=javascript:openIFrame('tempiframe','');");
aI("status=PHP Based Web Forum, Milonic's Recommended Forum Software;text=phpBB Web Forum System;url=javascript:openIFrame('tempiframe','');");
aI("text=Open Google in IFrame;url=javascript:openIFrame('tempiframe,''")


in the menu_data.js file and this:
<script   type="text/javascript">
function openIFrame(IFrameID, URL){
ifId.location.href=URL // Opera Bug Fix. ifId.src=URL

pasted in the body of the page the menu is on.

Nothing happens when I click on the sub menu. a small "error on page" appears in the task bar in the browser.

What am I doing wrong???

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday November 15 2005 - 2:58:41 GMT

Are you using the full sample or have you change the html code and placed the menu on your own page? Does the sample on the Milonic site work?

If you have the menu on your own page, could you provide a link or post the html code?


Poster: gnosis
Dated: Tuesday November 15 2005 - 19:21:51 GMT

Thanks Ruth for the quick response.

I took a closer look at the sample11 index page and figured out what I was doing wrong.
