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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:43

background images is it possible?

Poster: noicenotea
Dated: Wednesday May 25 2005 - 2:27:53 BST

i used milonic several month ago and now i have a new project where i have a request that this great menu could might be solve too.
i read in the forum about the tree option thats what i want to use but now the question:

ive a menu with some entries and each entry has lets say 3 menuitems and i want to have ONE background image(f.e. a photo) behind all the menu items on the activated entry.(on the example below ONE background-image behind menuitem1 2 and 3)

- menutitem1
- menutitem2
- menutitem3

any hint or advice would be great even if it has been not allready integrated ;)

thanks it advance


add on

Poster: noicenotea
Dated: Wednesday May 25 2005 - 7:36:28 BST

because of my bad english its maybe better to see an example here it comes:



Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday May 25 2005 - 17:11:57 BST


I've moved this item to the help and support section.

Here is how you would do what you want.

1) cut the bottom part of that image which has the actual image in it off and make it a new image by itself.

2) code the offbgcolor, onbgcolor of the menus the same color as that image background color. I think it is #b7554c.

3) in your main menu add an item at the bottom which is only the image you created and set it to type=header.

The result would be a menu colored that red with the last item that image with the keyboard stuff. When you click the other items it shifts the last item down.

Your main menu would look like this
with(new menuname("main menu")){
style = tstyle1;
alwaysvisible = 1;
aI("text=MENU ENTRY A;showmenu=a;type=tree");
aI("text=MENU ENTRY B;showmenu=b;type=tree;");
aI("text=MENU ENTRY C;showmenu=c;type=tree;");
aI("text=MENU ENTRY D;showmenu=d;type=tree;");

Hope that helps.
