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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:51

Table menu doesn't show up on Web Site

Poster: SkyFlyer
Dated: Monday March 7 2005 - 5:49:52 GMT

Hello all. :D
I have this page developed with DWmx. I have a vertical menu in a table. I used some directions that Ruth gave me to get this going. It works just fine on my computer. When I uploaded it, I get the page fine, but no menu. I get 'Done with errors on this page'. I suspect some JS error, but can't find anything wrong with line 17.
I have the latest versions of Milonic. I have the proper links.
Everything appears to be in order. It works on my computer. I'm sure it is something silly!
I can't seem to get my graphic of the error to work on my web site. I uploaded it, but it will not display in browser. Go figure. I'll eventually figure it out. You can see the error when you go to the site.
Must be time for a long nap!
Anyway, I would appreciate it if someone could take a looksee and give me some ideas on what I could do. Debugging JS is something I need to work on and learn.
Parts of page are not completed yet.
Any questions, please ask.
Thanks ... 8)

Poster: John
Dated: Monday March 7 2005 - 15:28:13 GMT

You're running different versions of the menu modules (one very down-level!). They all must be the same. The tooltips module you're running is for 5.7 and above, which is correct, but not good for the down-level module.

Also, move the tooltips call after the _data file call.

Poster: SkyFlyer
Dated: Monday March 7 2005 - 15:38:24 GMT

Thanks for the reply.
I'll update everything.
What explains why it works on my home computer?
How did you determine the versions?
What is it that you look at to tell me that? I'd like to know so I can check myself in the future.
I just downloaded everything, but things happen. I'll do it again.
I just wish there was an easy way to tell which versions you have.
How does one know when there are new releases?
Too many questions, but I want to learn this wonderful menu!
Thanks ...

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday March 7 2005 - 19:05:22 GMT

When you download the menu, the link you click to download it is the version number i.e version 5.715. THe number is in the 3 files other than the menu_data file at the top.


Poster: John
Dated: Monday March 7 2005 - 20:15:48 GMT

Subscribe to this topic ("Watch this topic for replies...") for new release info.

Hmmm - maybe I shouldn't have put it at the top of the list... :roll:

Also, whenever you update, ALWAYS replace all 3 code files with the new ones (not the _data file, of course).

Poster: SkyFlyer
Dated: Tuesday March 8 2005 - 6:32:23 GMT

I have tried several time to subscribe to that, and I never get anything. I'll do it again.
I really don't know where to click to do this. I can't see anything that says to sign up.
All I have is at the bottom that says 'stop watching this topic'. Does this mean that I am signed up?
If so, I'll look for the next notification.

I downloaded 5.175 when I got the Vertical Menu stuff, but I'll get a fresh batch and try again.
I want to make sure that I have this correct.
I don't need to change or update my menu_data file, just the other three files, milonic_src.js, mmenudom.js, mmenuns4.js (and probably tooltips). Correct?
That is what I have now, v5.175. Tooltips is old, and I'll update that. And I moved the call for tooltips in my code. Could the old tooltips be dragging me down?
I'll do all of this and then try again and let you know.
I am puzzled why it works on my computer but not on the web. But then I am not surprised!
Thanks for your looking into this ...

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday March 8 2005 - 7:49:43 GMT

I had the problem about watching this topic once before. Check the stop watching this topic, sign off milonic, reboot the computer, sign back on and you should see watch this topic so you can check it.

You are correct on the upload. The three program files have to be the same version, the menu_data file is not uploaded because it's not your data, it's the milonic data.

I don't know why it works on your desktop, unless you downloaed the file to one folder and it has all the correct files in it, but when you uploaded you only uploaded the milonic_src.js file.


Poster: SkyFlyer
Dated: Tuesday March 8 2005 - 7:59:34 GMT

Dunno! Life is strange at times! Maybe it would be boring if it wasn't!
I've downloaded all fresh versions. Will delete from the web and upload again. As far as I can tell, I had all current versions.
I'll make sure they are in the right places.
I'll do what you suggested about watching the Updated topic.
Question about Tooltips. Does this change often? Should I download it every time I get the Big Three?
I'll update and test tomorrow.
Thanks for the info ...
Good night!

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday March 8 2005 - 8:05:37 GMT

No, the tooltips doesn't change very often.


Poster: SkyFlyer
Dated: Tuesday March 8 2005 - 8:08:32 GMT

Just refreshed the Big Three and Tooltips.
Refreshed my index.htm.
I put the call to Tooltips after Menu_data in index.htm.
I'm sure the modules are in the correct folders.
They are the same that I have when I tested at home.
I still get 'Done, but with errors on page'.
Line 17, Char 2326, Object expected.
I'll try again tomorrow ...
Thanks ...

Poster: SkyFlyer
Dated: Tuesday March 8 2005 - 8:25:16 GMT

Ruth and John ...
Thanks for your help.
I just cleaned everything up and reposted.
It worked this time.
I'll take care of the notification thing tomorrow ...
Go figure!
Take care ...

Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday March 8 2005 - 23:15:29 GMT

That's what happens when you work into the wee hours... :D

Poster: SkyFlyer
Dated: Wednesday March 9 2005 - 2:36:55 GMT

Yep, the wee hours will get you! Need to stop that!
Could Ruth or John (or anyone) check my site?
Everything seems to be working OK (as least in IE), but the home menu is blacked out. When you hover over it, you can see the text.
I don't think I changed the text and bgcolors.
Any suggestions?
Once again, it works at home!
I have some work to do for other browers, but one thing at a time!.
Thanks ...

Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday March 9 2005 - 14:16:43 GMT

I suspect that as you get URLs in there all the pages will fail in the same way. You've got a pagematch in effect on the home page right now, and the way you've got it set you're saying black text on a black background. Just a tad tough to read...

Poster: SkyFlyer
Dated: Wednesday March 9 2005 - 15:31:32 GMT

Well, pagematch is a new one. I didn't know anything about it.
I just did a quick search in the forum on it and there is bundle to read up on.
I'll take some time and try to figure this one out.
Since I don't have it set, I am assuming that it is something that I need to set?
Anyway, thanks for the direction.
I might be back!

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday March 9 2005 - 16:24:27 GMT

Pagebgcolor and pagecolor, if you specify them, will highlight the path letting everyone know where they are on the site. Pagematch is another feature to use in the actual aI if you get to the page outside the menu or some other reason keeps the built-in highlighting from being activated.


Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday March 9 2005 - 17:56:15 GMT

SkyFlyer wrote:
Since I don't have it set, I am assuming that it is something that I need to set?

Care to make a large wager on that? You have...

That, combined with...
offcolor="#000000"; black on black when you are on a page that matches the URL (as you are when you first open the page).

The above taken from your mainmenuStyle.

Poster: SkyFlyer
Dated: Thursday March 10 2005 - 2:20:06 GMT

I'm not much of a betting person!
I like a good game of 21 or poker though, but pretty small pots!
My apologies.
You used the term 'pagematch', and that I don't have.
There are many properties, many of which I don't use.
I'll focus on the page settings and see what I can come up with.
I'll need to read up on the properties and see which ones I need (and don't need).
Thanks for the direction.

Poster: SkyFlyer
Dated: Thursday March 10 2005 - 7:04:19 GMT

For now, I have commented out the pagecolor and pagebgcolor.
The menu is now the correct color.
I'll do some reading and experimenting of some of the page properties.
Thanks John and Ruth for the help ...
Until next time ...