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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:50

probleme with iframe

Poster: xenophil
Dated: Sunday March 20 2005 - 16:25:48 GMT

my iframe name is page (iframe name="page")

I want that When I click on the menu (milonic) that my web page displays in my iframe ( page)
i have test this already:


and there is a bug
can you help me please
Thank you in advance and if you don'tunderstand me I will ask has somebody best that me in English of rewrite this message :cry: :cry: :? 8)

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday March 20 2005 - 20:27:29 GMT

I went to your link at the bottom, but I don't see an iframe. If you have named the iframe page, then the link in the menu file should be

I went to your link below your name but once you enter I don't see an iframe on the page. Can you give a link to the page with the iframe, and the menu if the above doesn't work?


Poster: xenophil
Dated: Tuesday March 22 2005 - 10:11:25 GMT

my webpage is :
the iframe is in the middle center with a photo of sof2 (a video game)


i went display my record in my iframe

thanks 8)

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday March 22 2005 - 14:56:08 GMT

The menu needs the openIframe function call on the page
function openIFrame(iFrameId,winURL)

You then need to change the menu aI string to have page, not tempiframe, since you have named the iframe page.
url=javascript:openIFrame('page','http:// etc.

Also, you should include id=page along with the name=page in the iframe itself.
<IFRAME border=1 id=page name=page


Poster: xenophil
Dated: Wednesday March 23 2005 - 13:38:57 GMT

tank you ruth the magician !!!

i'will test this week-end because i'm boarder in school

and i will put a reply when if it's not OK and too if it's OK

my english is not very good but i try to do something lol :D

bye 8)

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday March 23 2005 - 14:03:42 GMT

Your English is OK. :)


Poster: xenophil
Dated: Friday March 25 2005 - 17:29:39 GMT

thank you thank you

IT' S OK :D :D :D :D

ruth you are the best
I'm very happy to have (milonic menu)

bye ;)