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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:50
New web host causing problems
Poster: multiplexed
Dated: Saturday March 12 2005 - 21:23:39 GMT
First off I know next to nothing about web design...
I just changed to a new webhost a few hours ago. (DNS isn't even changed everywhere yet.)
my address is
The other thing I changed is I added the photo.
And to the point, on the new host and on my machines there's a big blank spot above the menu. I don't know if this is menu related or html related. Could someone show me how to fix this? Nothing I've tried has worked and I'm trying to keep this website as low budget as possible.
Both Hosts are using apache 1.3.33 and I'm using IE 6 if that's relevant.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday March 13 2005 - 2:06:37 GMT
There's something wrong with that image. If you go to the image url you get what looks like an image that has the word Masterworks on it and that's the bottom of the image, but if you go to edit/select all you will see it's highlighting twice the height. If you download and open the image in a art program there is a bottom area that is kind of bluish with a bunch of little squares on it, and it looks like there are more words, the first one beginning with N. Is that image supposed to have more to it?
Also, you have placed the menu in the table incorrectly. The only thing that gets placed in the table cell is the main menu, you need to take that from the menu_data.js file and put it between the script tags including a drawmenus(); with it, leave the rest of the menu in the data file and call the data file with the other files, which should be called the first thing right after the body tag. Check here for directions on putting a menu in a table cell.