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Milonic DHTML Site Map

Poster: jimsohn
Dated: Sunday March 27 2005 - 23:28:45 BST

Have you given any serious thought about designing a dynamic site map capability? How great it would be to have a button on the Milonic menu that, when clicked, would dynamically build a site map.


Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Tuesday March 29 2005 - 2:06:34 BST

Hi Jim,

You mean sort of like this: (1) The user click a button or menu item, (2) The page changes to show the hierarchy of all of the links in the site's menu system?



Poster: jimsohn
Dated: Wednesday March 30 2005 - 4:14:49 BST

Hi Kevin, yes something like the listbased menu provided in the extras folder. Basically I was thinking about a text based hierachy listing of the site menu system. I was thinking about identifying a button on the main menu as a site map button and when pressed would open a separate page with the text hierachy menu listing. This would be dynamic so that any subsequent changes to the menu would be dynamically reflected in the hierachy text menu.


Hi Jim,
You mean sort of like this: (1) The user click a button or menu item, (2) The page changes to show the hierarchy of all of the links in the site's menu system?

Poster: waynem
Dated: Sunday August 21 2005 - 17:10:16 BST

Is this under consideration? Its a good idea to have a site map page as search engines like them, and why reinvent the wheel when this great program already knows where everything is?

Should be able to create a dynamic html page that reads the milonic data files to create the map with a choice of formats. Would be a great seller for the product and very useful for all of us.

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Tuesday August 23 2005 - 1:54:56 BST

I did play with that. We even got a couple of working demos, but (oops) never posted back to this thread. Have a look: (demo with instrucitons) (original try, using styles)



Re: Milonic DHTML Site Map

Poster: ic31420
Dated: Sunday May 31 2009 - 17:11:42 BST

Hi sorry if im bumping this thread, but i have followed the instructions above and i have a problem and a query.

1. Problem i have implemented the bit of code that makes it generate lists and it works to an extent, however it gets to a point in my data and it just stops, no error code just an everlasting eggtimer.

- Visit - click MISC from the menu bar - Click Site Index (the homepage is the only place i have implemented this yet!)
- The pop-up has er, popped up and you'll see data there, however it has only some of the data - gets to July 2004 then stops, but there is loads more.
- Any ideas what is stopping it and how to resolve it?

2. Query - Ideally i'd like to have this as a page that i can reference to with a normal link, i.e. can i code this into a page that will open from an address, i guess it is possible with some sort of write function but my javascript is shockingly poor!

A little aside previously i'd been using the php_sitemap from the extras folder (as i have used here ) and it worked fine but the hosting company has upgraded their (windows) servers that the tugtracker site is hosted on and it no-longer works. Any ideas what's happened there as that worked a treat!

Re: Milonic DHTML Site Map

Poster: ic31420
Dated: Wednesday June 3 2009 - 0:37:12 BST

Still can't figure it out but i have noticed the following error being recorded by firefox in relation to

Error: _m[mN] is undefined
Source File:
Line: 9

Re: Milonic DHTML Site Map

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday June 6 2009 - 4:27:38 BST


I just saw this post.

I just tested the mm_siteIndex at the demo and it seems to be working fine. You are three levels down on the menu and there have been two emergency fixes. Here is the demo, it has both a styled and no-style site index link. This page calls the menu from the main site so that it is always up to date. Try updating your menu and see if there is still a problem.

As to the error, I don't think that is an issue. The demo works in IE7, FF1.5,, 3.0.8, Google Chrome 1.0.154, Safari for pc 3. something, Opera 9, NN9, NN7, and even NN4.79

Since this is an add on not created by Milonic, there is no support for this by Milonic. The demos at the top of the page were created by users, actually, mostly by Kevin who is not here anymore. I can sometimes figure out what the problem is and fix it. Try the newest menu version, and if you are still having problems, post back here and I will get the page and see if I can figure out what's going on and if I can fix the issue..


Re: Milonic DHTML Site Map

Poster: ic31420
Dated: Saturday June 6 2009 - 17:06:29 BST

Fixed it!

Updated menu- no change :-(

Investigated where it was stopping in the code again nothing amiss, however just out out shear desperation tried re-writing the menu level for 2004 and it worked :-)

Examining the code shows no errors and mysteriously no change other than substituting "Jul" for "July"but what they hell it works - odd but true!

Back to my original query is there a way of making a permanent page with this info on?

When you said the add-ons arn't created by milonic, does that go for the "extras" folder too? I'd dearly love to get my php_sitemap going agian.

Thanks Again


Re: Milonic DHTML Site Map

Poster: ic31420
Dated: Saturday June 6 2009 - 19:01:16 BST

Ignore the PHP thing i appear to have fixed it by messing around with my code :-)

Re: Milonic DHTML Site Map

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday June 7 2009 - 23:36:29 BST


The extras folder are all Milonic. If you look at this demo index page, you'll see a bunch of things at the top level, those are not Milonic created, they were created from questions in the forum, mostly by Kevin who doesn't have the time to volunteer anymore. Unfortunately, I do not have any javascript creation knowledge so what is there is what we get :) But, the stuff in the extras folder are all Milonic creations, bolt-ons and things like php, asp menus, etc.

Re: Milonic DHTML Site Map

Poster: ic31420
Dated: Wednesday February 23 2011 - 20:14:03 GMT

Me again;

This time i have moved hosts and the PHP_sitemap jobby seems to have died a death, and refuses to be resurrected....

I am now looking at the pop up version of a links list as provided by mm_siteIndex

Is there any way of getting this to output into its own file rather than the pop up.... I.e. an address i can link to something along the lines of


Rather than haveing to click on somethng? That way i can get my crawler to work.