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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:49

Integration into a Invision Power Board

Poster: Devil
Dated: Thursday March 31 2005 - 19:03:29 BST


1. sorry for my poor english, hope everybody can understand me

I want add the latest Dhtml-menu in a IPB board.
I pasted this code in the boardwrapper.

<script type="text/javascript" src="milonic_src.js"></script>   
<a class=milonic href="">DHTML JavaScript Popup Menu By</a>
<script   type="text/javascript">
if(ns4)_d.write("<scr"+"ipt type=text/javascript src=mmenuns4.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");      
  else _d.write("<scr"+"ipt type=text/javascript src=mmenudom.js><\/scr"+"ipt>");
<script type="text/javascript" src="menu_data.js"></script>   

The menue comes up but if i move the mouse over a menu, the submenu table is to big

Its a sample menue downloaded from this site. What can i do?

Poster: Devil
Dated: Thursday March 31 2005 - 19:07:19 BST

no picture upload?

Edit: check out my problem here!

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday March 31 2005 - 21:30:28 BST

This is the problem
That's causing the samples submenu to be really wide like that.


Poster: Devil
Dated: Thursday March 31 2005 - 23:13:00 BST

I deleted it. But the submenu is still to wide. And im using Mozilla - not needed the overflow code. Seems that the problem is on another point.

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday April 1 2005 - 4:03:06 BST

I'm sorry, I don't know much about css. Try not doing the __at__ import and use <link rel=StyleSheet href="css_8.css" type="text/css"> instead. I don't know that it will make a difference. I can't test the __at__ import part, actually I have to remove it to use the style sheet on the desktop and it works fine. With that __at__ import even my IE5.5 makes that samples menu very wide.

Sorry I can't be more help.
