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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:51
I want to separate menu items in two parts.
Poster: db
Dated: Tuesday March 8 2005 - 22:49:38 GMT
I want to separate menu items in two style parts. One will contain date and other text.
Do I need to use CSS?
Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday March 8 2005 - 23:12:31 GMT
You can have as many different styles as you need within the menu itself. The 'default' that comes in the download is called menuStyle. Simply write more using a different name.
Poster: db
Dated: Tuesday March 8 2005 - 23:40:52 GMT
Well but I dont know how to apply that inside one menu item.
The date in this line should have different style:
aI("text=9.3.2005 UWATEC - Aladin Prime;url=produkt02_05.html;");
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday March 9 2005 - 0:57:26 GMT
Various style properties are also item properties, so if you wanted to change the offbgcolor, offcolor, onbgcolor, oncolor, for example you would code it like this:
aI("text=9.3.2005 UWATEC - Aladin Prime;offbgcolor=#ffffff;onbgcolor=#000000;offcolor=#000000;
Other properties such as the font properties are also applicable in an item.
Poster: db
Dated: Wednesday March 9 2005 - 1:12:33 GMT
Ok, but what I am saying is: I need to use diferent styles within one menu item
style1 9.3.2005
style2 UWATEC - Aladin Prime
in this line:
aI("text=9.3.2005 UWATEC - Aladin Prime;url=produkt02_05.html;");
Daniel B.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday March 9 2005 - 4:33:22 GMT
Well, as far as I know, you can't use the menu styles to do that, though you can do some things to make them different. I can't think of any way for the item to tell the menu program "I want you to make these words this style but make those other words this other style."
What you can do is change the font color, size, and style using html coding, but be careful on changing size, that affects how the rest of the menu items line up, if you make it too big the other items will be off as to where the text appears.
So, if you want to change the color and style, you can use this
aI("text=<font color='#CC00CC' size='1.5em'><b>9.3.2005 agd</b></font> UWATEC - Aladin Prime;url=produkt02_05.html;");
I tried using pixels and pts but it really goes crazy in different browsers, so if you want to do something with size you either have to use em or you can put another html bracket and use big i.e.
aI("text=<font color='#CC00CC'><big><b>9.3.2005 agd</b></big></font> UWATEC - Aladin Prime;url=produkt02_05.html;");
I do not recommend you do anything with size, it causes problems with how the other items in the menu look, unless it's a vertical menu, then perhaps it would be OK.
Poster: Andy
Dated: Wednesday March 9 2005 - 10:07:22 GMT
Here is a menu that will split content into 2 columns, it's a little convoluted but it does work very well across browsers:
with(milonic=new menuname("columntest")){
aI("text=<span style='float:left;width:"+firstColumnWidth+"px;'>12.01.05</span>Some Text;url=/someurl.html");
aI("text=<span style='float:left;width:"+firstColumnWidth+"px;'>05.02.05 - 05.23.05</span>Another Date, just for fun;url=#");
aI("text=<span style='float:left;width:"+firstColumnWidth+"px;'>05.02.05</span>Some Date with More text;url=#");
aI("text=<span style='float:left;width:"+firstColumnWidth+"px;'>05.02.05</span>So, This is how you do columns inside meun items;url=#");
aI("text=<span style='float:left;width:"+firstColumnWidth+"px;'>12.01.05</span>Some Text;url=/someurl.html");
aI("text=<span style='float:left;width:"+firstColumnWidth+"px;'>05.02.05 - 05.23.05</span>Another Date, just for fun;url=#");
aI("text=<span style='float:left;width:"+firstColumnWidth+"px;'>05.02.05</span>Some Date with More text;url=#");
aI("text=<span style='float:left;width:"+firstColumnWidth+"px;'>05.02.05</span>So, This is how you do columns inside meun items;url=#");
Hope this helps,