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Taken From The Forum: Archived Topics for the old Version 3.0 JavaScript Menu
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:51
Frame based Menu Overlaps ReportDocument Object
Poster: Miles
Dated: Wednesday March 9 2005 - 11:23:47 GMT
Frame based Menu Overlaps ReportDocument Object Using .Net Version 1.1
Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday March 9 2005 - 14:06:24 GMT
OK. So I'll make an assumption that you are reporting a problem here, without giving us anything at all to go on.
Why not start with a URL (as requested!), and menu version...
Poster: Miles
Dated: Friday March 11 2005 - 7:10:35 GMT
Thanks for replay,
Some information :
Have Downloaded Frames Based Menu (Version 3) from -> DHTML Menu -> Frames Based Menu (Version 3)
For Development We am using
Microsoft Developement Enviroment 2003 (Version 7.1.3088)
Microsoft .Net Version 1.1 (Version 1.1.4322)
Find Link for two images one displaying proper menu (menusnapshot1.gif) & one with report menus overlaping (menusnapshot.gif) ... apshot.gif ... pshot1.gif
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday March 11 2005 - 9:21:18 GMT
Hi Miles,
I'm moving this to the Version 3 Forum, which is an archived forum. Version 3 has not been developed in over 2 years, and there is no support for it, except for either the archived topics, or if someone who still uses the version posts an answer.
Usually I try to do a layout for the person who has version 3 for frames using iframes and version 5, sometimes I can figure out what's wrong and help, but with just pictures I can't do that because I can't see the frame layout.
If you can give me a page, I may be able to see what's going on, but I don't use version 3 and don't know if I could come up with a solution. I might be able to set your layout up to use iframes and version 5.
Poster: Miles
Dated: Saturday March 12 2005 - 11:12:15 GMT
Hi all,
Find Link for sample Asp .Net project for reference ...
Poster: Miles
Dated: Saturday March 12 2005 - 11:13:02 GMT
Hi all,
Find Link for sample Asp .Net project for reference ...
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday March 12 2005 - 18:02:28 GMT
Hi Miles,
I'm kind of lost here. I was expecting an html page, or even an asp [which I would have made into html ] Looking at the Webform3.aspx, it looks like you have two frames a top and bottom, but when I looked at the names, they are top and midd which implies a 3rd frame. So, I still don't know what your frame layout is. I've never worked with asp, nor .net, when I do help with things, I usually download the page and make it html.
But, it did help in one way. I notice that you've got forms, if that is the case, then the menu will drop behind them, it has to do with what the browsers do with forms and such, how they layer things. There was a div hiding function used at one point, in which you put the form into a div and then set it up so that when the menu dropped the div would 'hide' the form. I'm still checking to see if I can find the function, and will post back. However, I do suggest that you switch to version 5 if it's possible. It is designed to work with modern browsers, to drop over iframes, to drop over forms. I am working on a demo for you with version5, assuming that your layout is only two frames. Could you let me know on the layout.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday March 13 2005 - 3:37:35 GMT
Hi again,
I've been working on this, and I notice you have in your header.js file a coding to hide a div named CrvReportVrw. As I said I don't know how asp works, so I don't know if you can do this, but if you put all those forms being loaded inside a div with the name you have to hide, that should work.
<div id=CrvReportVrw name=CrvReportVrw style="position:relative">
<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">
<CR:CrystalReportViewer id="CrvReportVrw" style="Z-INDEX: 101; LEFT: 64px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 40px"
<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">
<CR:CrystalReportViewer id="CrvReportVrw" style="Z-INDEX: 101; LEFT: 64px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 40px"
Also, check this post, which talks about placing the div name in the correct place in the menu...
I'm working on the Version 5 setup, if you want to let me know what the frame layout is. I do recommend you update to 5, it has many more capabilites and is much easier to code and change. If you'd like to see some of the things, like the filters effects, or even some functions that have been created by users you can take a look at this link. These are functions created outside the already existing built in capabilites.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday March 13 2005 - 8:04:45 GMT
There are also a couple of links for more information. There are php/mysql and asp/mysql datamenu demos available here and there is a post for Visual STudio.Net Web Control that a user created for use with the menu. I really don't know if any of these are things to do with what you are using. They are for version 5 of the menu, not version 3
Poster: Miles
Dated: Tuesday March 15 2005 - 5:59:45 GMT
Hello Ruth,
Thanks for all the information you gave to us.
But Frames Based Menu (Version 3) are working with all the .Net server controls only we have to adjust Z-Index style to the control.
Menus only overlap ReportDocument object of Crystal Report using
Microsoft Developement Enviroment 2003 (Version 7.1.3088) - IDE
& Microsoft .Net Version 1.1 (Version 1.1.4322) - .Net Framework
Poster: Miles
Dated: Tuesday March 15 2005 - 6:01:52 GMT
Hi again,
Ruth you can remove the link from your site, i had seen the same.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday March 15 2005 - 12:08:45 GMT
Thanks, Miles. I hope you got it fixed. I'm assuming this is a licensed menu, if you still have problems you might contact Milonic Support from the main site.
Poster: Miles
Dated: Wednesday March 16 2005 - 7:50:06 GMT
Hello Ruth,
Problem is not beign fixed, right now i have downloded sample & trying it for my new project, will purchase licensed menu when i get the solution for same.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday March 16 2005 - 14:46:01 GMT
Hi Miles,
I can only suggest that you contact Milonic explaining that you have no choice but to use Version 3 and keep the frames layout, and asking how to fix the problem.
I am only a volunteer on the forums, as are the rest of us, and if you hadn't put an image of the problem I wouldn't have known what 'Menu Overlaps ReportDocument Object' even meant. And, though I downloaded what you put up, all I get when I try using it is text on the page, rather than a web page. When I save them as html to try and use it, no form shows up, I"m assuming because it's something that is supposed to be received from someplace and I don't actually have a form.
If you can get me the necessary pages for testing in html, I'd be glad to take a look though no promises on any results.
Poster: Miles
Dated: Thursday March 17 2005 - 13:35:28 GMT
Hi Ruth,
I have already send a request for same to Milonic, but have not received any solution for it.
Basically we are not using any html pages, our pages are .aspx (asp .net pages)
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday March 17 2005 - 15:46:14 GMT
Hi Miles,
You might send another request, just to keep on top of it. I understand you are using aspx, I just can't see what's happening with aspx because it doesn't load any kind of form, or that report, it just gives me the underlying html code as text, and of course the menu drops over the text with no problem. The div hiding function must be working since you say the menu is dropping over the other forms and pages. So, it has to be something with the layout or with the coding for hiding the div for that report.