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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:51

Deleting / Removing a Licence

Poster: jbreslow
Dated: Thursday March 3 2005 - 22:51:58 GMT


How would I go about removing one of my licences? I would like to remove the licence that goes to the .ORG site.


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday March 4 2005 - 9:14:43 GMT

Hi Josh,
On the main site, there's a link to My Milonic, and under that My Licenses. You need to be logged in. I haven't looked at that area so I don't know if you can delete a license. I know some have moved them to a different url. If this is a free license, you may have to contact Milonic, there's a link under the About Milonic for contacting them.


Poster: jbreslow
Dated: Friday March 4 2005 - 18:11:16 GMT

Thank you Ruth. I did check the My Licence page and was only able to Renew the license but not delete it. I asked the wonderful people at Milonic to do it which they said they would.

Thanks for the help,