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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:37
Treemenu > Disable menu collapse ?
Poster: Sairento
Dated: Tuesday July 26 2005 - 3:22:10 BST
I'm using the treemenu mod and everything is working fine, however when after a user expands a menu I don't want them to be able to close it again by clicking the menu heading.
How would I go about doing this ?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday July 26 2005 - 4:21:48 BST
Are you saying you don't want them to ever be able to close a menu once they open it?
Poster: Sairento
Dated: Tuesday July 26 2005 - 5:45:04 BST
Ruth wrote:
Are you saying you don't want them to ever be able to close a menu once they open it?
Are you saying you don't want them to ever be able to close a menu once they open it?
Yep!, even though this might sound strange thats whats the client wants.
The menu should only close once a menu option from another menu is selected.