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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:38

The menu and Flash

Poster: basic
Dated: Monday July 18 2005 - 18:15:17 BST


For some reason the menu drops down behind the Flash clip in Netscape. Any suggestion will be appreciated.



Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday July 18 2005 - 19:38:36 BST


I don't know how to put flash in the way you have it. So, I tried yours using the Object code
<OBJECT codeBase=,0,29,0 height=550 width=850 classid=clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000>
<PARAM NAME="movie" VALUE="head.swf">
<PARAM NAME="quality" VALUE="high">
<PARAM NAME="wmode" VALUE="opaque">                                                 
<embed src="head.swf" quality="high" wmode=transparent pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="526" height="172">

Sometimes the menus would drop over the top if I left the mouse sitting on the menu item and waited, and sometimes they wouldn't even open.

In order to test the code on your page [which I downloaded], I substituted a couple of different swf files and there was no problem at all with the menu dropping over them. I tried combo5.swf which has animation and music, and also the swf file from The GreaterLouisville site which you can see at that link to see what I was using. It has mouseover in the flash and animation. Both those swf files worked fine with the code I posted above.

I can't give you an answer because I don't do any kind of creating of swf files, but it would seem since the substituted swf files work, there might be something in your file that is causing the problem.


Poster: basic
Dated: Monday July 18 2005 - 20:01:47 BST

thanks, Ruth - I'll check it....
