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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:39

problem with treemenu and firefox

Poster: starmetheus
Dated: Thursday July 7 2005 - 22:37:04 BST

hi, i'm having a problem with the treemenu bolt-on where none of the links in the menu are working. the menu expands and collapses as expected, but when clicking on a menu item that is a link, the page never loads.

the menu works fine in IE, but not firefox.

Link to the menu

any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks.

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday July 11 2005 - 14:21:40 BST


I tried figuring out what's going on, but couldn't find the problem. I've reported it to Milonic, so someone is working on whatever it is. The collapse menu is working, but not the treemenu one.


Poster: starmetheus
Dated: Monday July 11 2005 - 20:35:17 BST

Hi Ruth,

Thanks for the reply and for looking into the problem for me. The time spent is certainly appreciated.

Same problem here > Tree menu and links not working

Poster: BCTFwebmanager
Dated: Tuesday August 16 2005 - 21:56:19 BST

Has there been any progress on this issue. I'm experiencing the same problem with my menus expanding/collapsing as expected, but the links not working in both Firefox 1.0.4 and Opera 8. IE works as expected.

I've also tried to get it working outside a frame, but no luck.


Poster: starmetheus
Dated: Wednesday September 7 2005 - 21:30:22 BST

I'm hoping for an update as well. My menu appears to work fine in Opera 8, as well sa IE, but Firefox (version 1.0.6, by the way) is still a problem.

Any updates would be appreciated. Thank you.

Poster: Andy
Dated: Thursday October 6 2005 - 12:15:13 BST


This has now been fixed and will appear in the next release of the menu.

I'm currently working on finalizing the release of version 5.733 and we'll let you know via update email as to when this verison is ready.

The Pre Release is ready and can be downloaded from

Hope this helps and sorry it took so long,

Poster: starmetheus
Dated: Monday October 10 2005 - 21:13:13 BST

Thanks for the update, and no worries on it taking a little while...just glad to hear it's been fixed. :)

Poster: starmetheus
Dated: Wednesday October 26 2005 - 20:19:15 BST

Hello again...this problem doesn't quite seem to be fixed yet. While the newer releases of the menu corrected the behavior of not responding to the links in Firefox, the menu seems to ignore the "target" attribute.

I thought maybe it was something in my menu definition, but I can't find anything that looks off.

Again, the problem appears to only occur in the mozilla based browsers.

Also, here's the link to my menu for an example, which uses frames by the way.

Any help is greatly appreciated, as always.

Poster: Andy
Dated: Friday October 28 2005 - 14:08:55 BST


Can you please try the Pre Release version of the menu at

I have found a slight problem and think I might have fixed it.


Poster: starmetheus
Dated: Friday October 28 2005 - 17:06:42 BST

Hi Andy,

The pre-release doesn't appear to fix the issue. The treemenu still seems to behave the same way...the only difference is now IE and Opera do it too.

I guess a step in the right direction is all the browsers seem to have the same behavior now. :)

Also, with the pre-release, my normal menus (not using treemenu) all seem to open their links in a new window.

Let me know if you need any links from me, or if you'd like me to try anything else.

Poster: Andy
Dated: Tuesday November 1 2005 - 12:43:59 GMT

The new Pre Release should fix the problem, have tested it and it seems OK.

If you can let me know either way that would be great.

Also, please note that the treemenu.js module (version 2) is currently being worked on and your menu will need changes once this has been released. Once we have something, well let you know what the changes are and how to implement them.


Poster: starmetheus
Dated: Tuesday November 1 2005 - 17:39:47 GMT

it appears to be working now.

i'll keep an eye out for the update to the treemenu module.

thanks for the help, the update, and for the great product.