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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:39
Nothing works. I need help.
Poster: Paul Schwartz
Dated: Thursday July 7 2005 - 4:07:44 BST
I have just downloaded Version 5. milonic_src version is 5.727. When I call up my page, it is totally blank. I can view source code and it is correct as far as I can tell. I religiously followed all instructions in readme, install, and howtobuild.
You can see my web page at
I'd appreciate any suggestions.
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday July 7 2005 - 4:47:50 BST
Hi Paul,
I have no idea what's going on. If I download your menu files one at a time and make a page, I see it in all browsers, but if I download your complete page I cannot get any menu to show on it in IE, though it does show in Netscape, Firefox, Opera. I have tried my own menu, other menus from other help posts and none of them show on your downloaded page in IE. So I have to think something is wrong with the page with regards IE [since the menu is visible in other browsers on your site] IE5.5 specifically. I don't know about other ones.
I suggest you make another page, upload it and see what happens. You might try uploading all the files in ascii mode, not binary.
Also, I'm not sure why you have the main menu on the page, not in script tags, and also in the data file? You put the main menu on the page in script tags if you are putting it in a table cell and if you do that you cut it out of the menu_data.js file and you include a second [you'll have two of these one in the data file and one with the main menu on the page] include a drawMenus(); with it on the page in the table.