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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:39

Netscape is ok, but all other browsers are not working

Poster: pasha
Dated: Thursday July 7 2005 - 1:59:37 BST

here is my link
it works fine with netscape on PC, but all other browsers are having issues.
please help


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday July 7 2005 - 3:23:16 BST


I just went to the site in Netscape6, 7.1, IE5.5, Opera7, 7.54, Firefox1.02 and the menu is the same in all of them and you didn't say what the problem was so....

1. do you want it screenposition="center"; or left=146; You have both listed in the main menu. Or are you trying to center the menu and then offset it by 146 pixels, moving it that much farther to the right? If the latter, then you need to set the left by using offset="left=146"; if you just want it centered, then get rid of the left=146, if you want it at 146 from the left, then get rid of the screenposition="center";

2. You have all the style properties but the font properties blocked out using // so the submenus have nothing showing, no offbgcolor, onbgcolor, offcolor, oncolor so you can't even see them hardly. Using image and overimage in the main menu, you should set the offbgcolor="transparent"; onbgcolor="transparent"; in the menuStyle.

3.If you want some colors in the submenus, then you need to create a second style for that menu. Using the menuStyle, you could just copy and paste that and change the offbgcolor, onbgcolor etc., going through and changing all the properties you need so the submenus show.

4. You might want to try the beginners' guide link listed below my name, it's pretty short, the ones about styling the menu.

Hope that helps.


Poster: pasha
Dated: Thursday July 7 2005 - 3:35:45 BST

Here is my main concern

I am looking the menu in these two browsers (IE 6.029 , Netscape 7.2)
and the concern is that the left=146 fits fine in Netscape, but NOT in IE.

I have taken out the screen center already, but the problem is that the LEFT=146 is different in different browsers and i just want it to be same in all browsers
i hope this explains my issue.
thanks for all your help!

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday July 7 2005 - 4:17:35 BST

You can try putting in a style code in the head of the document to set all the browsers to a 0 margin, so they all start at the same 'position' . The different browsers seem to have their 'auto' margins set differently, this makes them all have the margins at 0.
<style type="text/css">body{margin:0px}</style>

If that doesn't work, you can put the menu in that table cell over which you are trying to set it using top and left.

1. cut the main menu from the menu_data.js file

2. paste it into that table cell between the pasha_mnav_sides.gif images [one left, one right]

3. place another [you will have two of these, one in the menu_data.js file and one with the main menu in the table] place another drawMenus();

4. eliminate the top and left positions

5. put in position="relative";

6. enclose it in script tags [the main menu]
        with(milonic=new menuname("Main Menu")){

aI("showmenu=Meet Dr Pasha;image=pasha_btn_meetpsh.gif;overimage=pasha_mo_meetpsh.gif");
aI("showmenu=Sinus and Allergy Center;image=pasha_btn_snacentr.gif;overimage=pasha_mo_snacentr.gif");
aI("showmenu=Snoring and Sleep Center;image=pasha_btn_sscentr.gif;overimage=pasha_mo_sscentr.gif");
aI("showmenu=ENT and Pediatrics;image=pasha_btn_pentcentr.gif;overimage=pasha_mo_pentcentr.gif");

The menu will be aligned at the left side of that table cell, that's just where it goes with the position="relative"; If you want to have it 'centered' so that with resolution change it will be in the center of that cell, then put in another table with one column and one row, and then put the menu in that table. Don't set any width, let it be whatever size it is for the menu, and set the table's position to align="center" or enclose the table in center tags. That means that table will center as the pages shifts, and ergo, your menu will be centered. Hope this helps.


Poster: pasha
Dated: Thursday July 7 2005 - 6:18:02 BST

I have tired both of your suggestions, but still the same problem.

please check it out and HELP ! :-)

Thanks in advance


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday July 7 2005 - 14:48:51 BST


The menu in the table isn't working because the path to the images is incorrect. You still need images/pasha_btn_meetpsh.gif. And, you pupt the main menu in the table but you forgot to take it out of the menu data file. You can't have it both places, so take it out of the menu_data.js file


Poster: pasha
Dated: Thursday July 7 2005 - 18:25:12 BST

ok thanks! this helped!
you are the coolest!

Poster: pasha
Dated: Thursday July 7 2005 - 21:59:16 BST

also, if you go to my link, look at what i am talking abou now.

1. How can i make the width of the drop down to match with my button?
2. also, how can i keep the separatorsize=1; ONLY for the drop down and NOT including the buttons as you can see


Poster: John
Dated: Thursday July 7 2005 - 22:45:24 BST

itemwidth= is both a menu property and an item property. See and

Poster: pasha
Dated: Friday July 8 2005 - 0:31:42 BST

i see the links you gave me.
But again, my point is to ONLY have seperator between the drop down item and NOT the buttons!

can u point me in that direction and also the variable name for that?


Poster: pasha
Dated: Saturday July 9 2005 - 22:56:16 BST

could you please check this link


it works fine in all browsers, BUT NOT IN IE 6.02
could you tell me why?

infact its been flacky in IE, sometimes it works, sometimes it doest
most of the time it DOES NOT

please help
this is urgent

thanks in advance


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday July 11 2005 - 2:34:02 BST


1. You have the menu in a table which says that the call for the menu files should be the first thing after the body tag.

2. Placing the menu in a table requires the use of position="relative"; I don't even know where you got that positon="left"; as far as I know that's not even a property of the menu, and that is what's causing the problem in IE. I'm surprised it's working in other browsers. If you are going to keep all those 'main' items as separate menus in separate table cells you need to set each one of them to position="relative";

3. Out of curiostity, is there some reason that you have different menu data files? You could put all of those into one data file, just different menus.

4. Again out of curiosity, is there some reason you are putting each 'main' menu item into a separate table cell? You could just put them all in the 'main menu' in one cell that is set at width=611
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=739 align=center border=0>
       <TD vAlign=top align=left width=11 height=32><IMG height=32
            src="pasha_mnav_sides.gif" width=11></TD>
       <td vAlign=top align=left width=611 height=32>
      with(milonic=new menuname("Main Menu")){

aI("showmenu=Meet Dr Pasha;image=images/pasha_btn_meetpsh.gif;overimage=images/pasha_mo_meetpsh.gif;itemwidth=125;");
aI("showmenu=Sinus and Allergy Center;image=images/pasha_btn_snacentr.gif;overimage=images/pasha_mo_snacentr.gif;itemwidth=168;");
aI("showmenu=Snoring and Sleep Center;image=images/pasha_btn_sscentr.gif;overimage=images/pasha_mo_sscentr.gif;itemwidth=185;");
aI("showmenu=ENT and Pediatrics;image=images/pasha_btn_pentcentr.gif;overimage=images/pasha_mo_pentcentr.gif;itemwidth=133;");
       <TD vAlign=top align=left width=103 height=32><A
            href=""><IMG height=32
            src="pasha_btn_contact.gif" width=103 border=0
          <TD vAlign=top align=left width=14 height=32><IMG height=32

I set the itemwidth in each item, although since you are using images that are that size that is the width they will be. Also in your submenus you are using & n b s p; to space out the item, but you could eliminate that and set the item using itemwidth=;
