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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:37
Is there a way to show the menu path?
Poster: sa}{en
Dated: Sunday July 24 2005 - 13:47:19 BST
This questions is regarding the menu at:
Lets say I click "Biler" > "Fuel biler" > "FG"
Then this product category opens. Now I would like to show the path at the top of the page like this:
Biler >> Fuel biler >> FG
Is there a way to do this? I suppose it should be possible to do somehow related to the "page/pagematch" system. Any idea? There might already be a solution. I've been searching a lot in the Milonic website and this forum, but found no answeres. Maybe I don't search for the right words?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday July 25 2005 - 1:22:15 BST
Try this demo, I believe it will do what you want. There's a link on the page to the topic thread from which it was developed.
Just what I was looking for, but...
Poster: sa}{en
Dated: Monday July 25 2005 - 22:43:21 BST
Hi. Thank for the hint and link. This works fine, but I have some problem makeing it work in my websolution. Here is my problems:
1. The root menue is positioned in a table and the root menudata is not in the menu_data file, but in the html file. The root menu is not shown in the "Menu selections: " text .
2. This system uses a query without name. Like "?71" in the end of the url. My solution is verry much based on queries like "?kategoriID=101".
This problem would be solved if the script could handle a querystring with a name. Eksample "?kategoriID=101&MenuItem=81"
Any hints?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday July 26 2005 - 1:10:15 BST
I'm looking at that page and I have no idea what you are saying since there is 'text' showing for the menu, otherwise how would people be able to see to click Biler open a submenu and then click the next item? That text is from the 'main menu' you have in the table, and that main menu calls the menu_data.js file for the submenus to show. I'm not sure why you removed the mainStyle and put it in the table, it would work just fine in the menu_data.js file as far as I know, since the menu_data.js file is being called/rendered before the main menu is rendered.
Can you be a little clearer as to what you mean by not having a menu data file? And, I guess you could put that function on the page itself, though that would mean on every page on the site that uses the menu. Other than that, I don't really know what to suggest.
And, I just noticed, you are way way downlevel. You need to upgrade the menu to version 5.728.
Poster: sa}{en
Dated: Tuesday July 26 2005 - 8:51:19 BST
Sorry for beeing short in details. The site you've been looking at is the old version of my website. I'm working on a new one at localhost. I can't work live on the solution used byhundresds every day.
In the new version I have upgraded the menu version. I will try to make a sample page for you to explain my problem better. I'm quite busy today. I'll probably have more time tomorrow and will post a link here when I've made an example.