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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:55

Do you want to abort the script? ...popup window error...

Poster: guitarwez
Dated: Friday January 28 2005 - 4:11:41 GMT

Hey everyone,

This is my 3rd site with Milonic and I'm quite comfortable with it. I haven't had any problems with the first 2 I installed. All are embedded in tables.

However, my 3rd one is giving me a popup window error that says

"A script on this page is causing IE to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to abort the script?"

If I select Yes, the page then loads. If I select No, it freezes up and doesn't respond.

Here is the URL of the site: - then select 'Products' and then click 'Military'.

Anyone have any ideas? I'm pulling my hair out trying to debug it... :(

Thanks in advance...

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Friday January 28 2005 - 5:05:36 GMT


A quick guess (haven't tested it): Here's the code from your main menu, embedded in the table:
with(milonic=new menuname("Products")){

The main menu (above) is named "Products" and its single menu item, "PRODUCTS", is trying to show a menu named "Products". You do have a second menu named "Products" defined in your menu_data.js file. Try naming the menu in the table cell "Main" (or something other than "Products").

Let us know if that stops the hair pulling (or if not also). ;)



Poster: guitarwez
Dated: Friday January 28 2005 - 6:41:14 GMT

Kevin, thanks so much for your help! That was indeed the problem and it is now fixed...

Thanks again! 8)