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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:20
Trying to be creative with tooltips
Poster: Shap5202
Dated: Thursday December 22 2005 - 17:03:59 GMT
We have a 'please wait' type of icon we display when the system is processing a request. Since tooltips can handle HTML... i wanted it to be that when you submit a request, basically a tooltip follows the mouse around (followtip=1) with the wait icon.
Already have a javascript method that gets called any time the url changes. So i can detect that. Basically it's like i want to show the tooltip on body mouseover. But that doesnt work quite right
If i move the mouse all the off the browser then back on, it seems to pick up the tooltip. But at this point I'm just trying random things. any thoughts?
script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
function bodyMove(){
if(enterPressed == true){
showtip('<img src='wait.gif>', 1);
<body onmouseover="bodyMove()">
function bodyMove(){
if(enterPressed == true){
showtip('<img src='wait.gif>', 1);
<body onmouseover="bodyMove()">
The enterPressed variable being a global js var set when a request is submitted.