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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:21

Tooltips and v5.736

Poster: Shap5202
Dated: Tuesday December 13 2005 - 18:15:19 GMT

Hello all,
I saw in another post ( about how the syntax had changed for tooltips.

As mentioned, I had upgraded to v5.736 and v1.4 on tooltips.js and they work fine anywhere I use them as part of a menu item (aI(...) )

but there are a couple places I used tooltips with HTML objects. For example

<span onmouseover=\"showtip('" + formatForToolTip(displayValue) + "');\" onmouseout=\"popdown();\">  Shorter Text </span>

So when you mouseover the span, it would pop up the tool tip. This piece no longer works. Is there anyway to get this working? Do I need to upgrade to the pre-release version? Am I missing something stupid? :)


Re: Tooltips and v5.736

Poster: tootricky
Dated: Friday December 16 2005 - 9:08:07 GMT

Shap5202 wrote:
Hello all,
I saw in another post ( about how the syntax had changed for tooltips.

As mentioned, I had upgraded to v5.736 and v1.4 on tooltips.js and they work fine anywhere I use them as part of a menu item (aI(...) )

but there are a couple places I used tooltips with HTML objects. For example

<span onmouseover="showtip('" + formatForToolTip(displayValue) + "');" onmouseout="popdown();">  Shorter Text </span>

So when you mouseover the span, it would pop up the tool tip. This piece no longer works. Is there anyway to get this working? Do I need to upgrade to the pre-release version? Am I missing something stupid? :)


I mentioned exactly the same thing over a week ago... COME ON ANDY GIVE US A REPLY!

Poster: Shap5202
Dated: Friday December 16 2005 - 17:01:06 GMT

My tooltips are actually working again... for the most part. But I've been having issues with them not displaying consistently. T

Sometimes the tooltip will show up, but only in the top-left corner of the screen. I want to debug a little more to see if i can figure out then maybe i can put up some code snipets.

tootricky.... there is a new menu version out today, I would try grabbing that and maybe regrabbing the tooltip.js (i had done that for the sake of argument). Don't know if anything changed, but at least my tooltips show up now.

PS: Is there any style classname or something that I could be causing a problem if a used it by coincidence?

Poster: Andy
Dated: Wednesday December 21 2005 - 17:50:42 GMT

I've just posted a demo of the new tooltips at

Still no Docs yet, should be tomorrow but you can do a view source.

Just make sure that you download the new menu and the new tooltips.js file.

Hope this helps,

Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday December 21 2005 - 22:56:41 GMT

Andy wrote:
Just make sure that you download the new menu and the new tooltips.js file.

By "new menu", he means v5.738.

Poster: Shap5202
Dated: Thursday December 22 2005 - 14:02:46 GMT

Like the new features... especially the followtip ability.

One thing I noticed though, if you have the tooltip follow your mouse... it will initially appear overtop a select box, but if you move the mouse, the tip then moves underneath except where the tip first showed. (not moving the iframe - or however it covers up the selects, or someting?)

Poster: Andy
Dated: Thursday January 5 2006 - 19:34:58 GMT

Next version should see a fix for this

Poster: Shap5202
Dated: Thursday January 5 2006 - 21:12:13 GMT

Just for clarification..
Next version
means v5.739 or an upcoming non-released version?

Poster: John
Dated: Monday January 9 2006 - 22:52:20 GMT

It now means 5.739 (which has been uploaded more than once at the same version number), AND the new tooltips file.