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Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:22
Show popup window with a JavaScript onClick call
Poster: Steel2k6
Dated: Tuesday December 6 2005 - 9:43:24 GMT
I would like to show a popup window when I click on a link. For some reason, this does not work. But it works when I call this function on a onMouseOver event for a link. Strange...
So, this works fine:
<a href='#' onMouseOver='popup( "workout",1 );' class='weekCalendarLink' id='entry_1_1'>9:30<br>Workout</a>
This does not work:
<a href='#' onClick='popup( "workout",1 );' class='weekCalendarLink' id='entry_1_1'>9:30<br>Workout</a>
Do you know why or how I could solve this problem? The live page can be found at .
Poster: Steel2k6
Dated: Tuesday December 6 2005 - 13:41:51 GMT
Milonic team, please help. I saw that this question has been asked a few days ago from another user: ... ight=popup
Poster: Steel2k6
Dated: Tuesday December 6 2005 - 20:53:24 GMT
For everybody who has the same problem and does not want to wait for the answer, this can be used as a workaround:
function initPopup( menuName )
setTimeout( "showPopup('" + menuName + "')", 1 );
function showPopup( menuName )
popup( menuName, 1 );
<a href='#' onClick='initPopup( "workout" );' class='weekCalendarLink' id='entry_1_1'>9:30<br>Workout</a>
Poster: Andy
Dated: Wednesday December 7 2005 - 11:03:31 GMT
What's happeing is the page is being reloaded because of the href=# bit when you click on the link. The menu is probably showing up but it gets refreshed so you never see it.
You need to replace the href="#" with href="javascript:popup('yourmenu','yourimage')" - This will mean that the link is the javascript popup function executor rather than an actual lnk.
Hope this helps,