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Problem with Firefox 1.5 and popup

Poster: michael.bruns
Dated: Wednesday December 14 2005 - 17:31:09 GMT

Hello Board,

I'm using the menu for my company
In the current Firefox version (1.5) I discovered a strange problem which I cannot solve. Here's the situation:

In the new Firefox 1.5 the menu did not open submenus onmouseover nor onmouseclick but (and thats the think i'm getting crazy about ;-) only when the window which displays the menu is a popup window opened with
Try it. Go to and click on the monitor image after the technology detection is finished and you are redirected to the main page. You It will open a popup with the menu in it, which will not open as supposed. When you click on the bordered menuitems directly over the shown panorama.
Now try the direct link --> ... 002_01.htm and you will see it works like assumed. Did you have an idea where the relation between popup and menu is.

I can't find the resason for this behaviour but i discovered, that the menu works in the popup, but only behind the pluginarea :-( If opened directly it appears infront of the plugin ??????

Any idea? Thank you and

kindly regards


Poster: michael.bruns
Dated: Sunday December 18 2005 - 11:14:36 GMT

Hello again,

if nobody here has an idea how to solve this problen, can someone reproduce this behaviour I described above? It's seems to be, that when I open a window in an popup, the milonic feature (menu over flash, quicktime, etc) will *not* work in FF 1.5

It would be very helpful for me if someone posts his opinion to this behaviour.

Kindly regards

Michael Bruns

Menu in DIV

Poster: Migru
Dated: Sunday December 18 2005 - 14:05:31 GMT


there are many post replies (in general, in this forum) referring to the issue, that the menu should not be located in a <div>, as it seems, that many users (me too) made their experiences with the menu in a div. Isn´t your menu placed in a <div> ? Could be the main reason for your problems.


Poster: michael.bruns
Dated: Tuesday December 20 2005 - 9:58:01 GMT

Hello Migru,

thanks for you tip, but the menu isn't placed in a div container, it's positioned absolut via the config file. Did you test the two links in my previous post and can you approve my description? What did the menu gurus here on the board think about that issue?

Kindly regards


Popup etc.

Poster: Migru
Dated: Tuesday December 20 2005 - 11:36:30 GMT


first , your description given is not really clear, because for me, reading your post does not communicate exactly, e.g. what "open as supposed" really means. It is by testing only that I may have an impression on all of this:

1. Internet Explorer
When I start , the url changes to , the main menu is to be seen above a horizontal line ("millimeter look"), containing 6 items, and item no3 only has submenus. No popup window comes up at this point.
When I click on one of these items below that sub, e.g. item no 1 "Gastronomie" the level 2 submenu is on display. Selecting there the first item "Hotel am Wasserturm" - the corresponding page is displayed, and clicking on "Virtuelle Tour starten" , starts a popup, but stops the browser immediately after that with an error message. "MIME Typen, die früher Quick Time Plugin zugeordnet waren, sind jetzt anderen Programmen zugeordnet etc."... I cannot exclude, that this is a matter of my PC only.
However, when I start that "virtual tour" differently by selecting below one of the options JAVA/Quicktime/Shockwave, the popup window works, it seems, as expected ??, 360° - horizontally moving picture is on display. but with my IE installation JAVA and Shockwave only, it seems not with Quicktime : my Quicktime Plugin is not installed in a correct way with IE. Program stops.

2. FireFox 1.5

The browser starts exactly in the same way as IE does, switching to the menu is to be seen above the horizontal line ("millimeter look") and menu no3 only has submenu items, as before. No popup window comes up at this point.
When I click on one of these items below that sub 3, e.g. Gastronomie - Hotel am Wasserturm - the corresponding page is displayed, and clicking on "Virtuelle Tour starten" , starts the popup window.

But contrary to my IE installation, Click on "Virtuelle tour starten" pops up the window containing the 360° horizontally moving panorama picture, it seems to function in the same way whichever one of the three different options (shockwave, Quicktime, Java) I am selecting, even one of the "small" "medium" "fullscreen" options works (on the pupup) (I think depending on the PCs graphics capacity) .

Your description is - for me not very clear:

" on the monitor image after the technology detection is finished and you are redirected to the main page. You It will open a popup with the menu in it, which will not open as supposed. When you click on the bordered menuitems directly over the shown panorama. "

There is a menu in the popup: SMALL - MEDIUM - CLEAR etc. and that works, but is it a milonic menu ?

And what are the "bordered menuitems directly over the shown panorama",do you refer to the main menu or to the menu in the popup , there is one "Ansicht wählen/Switch Location", it works! and there is one ?
"Beschreibung/Description" and a Question Mark - they work.

Michael (Migru)

Poster: michael.bruns
Dated: Tuesday December 20 2005 - 11:56:17 GMT

Hello Migru,

thanks a lot for your fast response. I'll try to make it a little clearer. First you'll have to try now, cause i added an ugly workaround durring the weekend. When you enter you are redirected to as you wrote. On this page you'll see an Monitor image displaying a snow landscape. Please click on it with FF 1.5! Now a popup opens and the panorama is shown. (Your Quicktime error is a result of other (mostly video player) apps, assign the mov extension to themselfs) You now see the menu above the panorama (Andere Ansicht wählen in the german version) This menu normaly opens over the panorama, which was the main reason for purchasing milonic. But in FF 1.5 this does not happen when the window was open in an popup. It only works when you use a "normal" link like this one ... 002_01.htm
It's the same page but now the menu is working in the supposed manner.

Can you approve this behaviour?

Kindly regards

Michael Bruns

Poster: Migru
Dated: Tuesday December 20 2005 - 12:18:22 GMT

Now I am aware, what it is.

I repeat:

You start

Once you click on the notebook-picture (snowy landscape), a popup
window is on display, containing a milonic-menu, which - compared to ... 002_01.htm

should work in the same way, but, unfortunately, it doesn´t !

I think it is not a matter of "approving" something but at this point, I am able to confirm, that it is not working in the way it should, as it may have to be implemented differently. May be there is a solution, which - for the moment I do not know. So now, maybe someone of the team may look into that.


Poster: michael.bruns
Dated: Tuesday December 20 2005 - 12:29:01 GMT

Hello mirgu,

thaks for your answer and your tests. I'm trying to find out, whats the reason for this behaviour is and how I can describe it. Andy from Milonic told me it is a Firefox issue, but I can't go to the Mozilla crew with a bug report if I can't say something about that error other then a 3rd party app is not working correctly. I only discovered this behaviour in combination with milonic, (but I did not test every other menu out there) I started a similar thread in a firefox forum and there they told me, that this is a menu issue, cause the menu works but it did not appear over the panorama.

It would be very helpful if some other people can write me their opinions too.

Kindly regards


version 5_738

Poster: Migru
Dated: Thursday December 22 2005 - 1:02:34 GMT


tested your site again, no modification made ? menu version updated?
According to Milonic, version 5-738 has solved this problem !
