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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:22
No frame - no game - and IE won't play the game!!!
Poster: Weamdeaver
Dated: Monday December 12 2005 - 4:41:11 GMT
Hi Y'all. Problem! I've just made my first website in Dreamweaver MX 2004 on a mac and put it on the server. Even though I'm totally new at this, I managed to use frames in stead of tables, because I came up with a cool idea for the design that could only be conceived by using frames. The main window (the frameset) stays the same all the time, and only one of the frames is the target frame for all the links in the main window(except for the audiolinks which appears in a small frame in the upper left corner and the image link which links to another website). This all shows fine in the 7 different browsers I've downloaded on my mac, but on IE on Windows only the bottom frame appears. I've read that I need to add /js/menu/menu_array.js somewhere in order for IE to show the whole frameset. I have no idea how to fix the problem still. I've used only the graphic designer in DW, and code is like hieroglyphs to me. Could anyone help me, and if they do please lay it to me like I was an anchient Egyptian who got transported forth in time: meaning be clear and thorough - pleeeease

Poster: John
Dated: Tuesday December 13 2005 - 14:40:53 GMT
Exactly which specific URL (frame) has the Milonic menu code on it that you're concerned about?
Poster: Weamdeaver
Dated: Tuesday December 13 2005 - 15:24:53 GMT
Dear John. Thanks for your reply. Well, the thing is. When I found the Milonic web site I wasn't actually aware that this was a forum specifically for Milonic DHTML, and just as I'm about to send this message I find out, so I just put the message under anything goes. There's no Milonic DHTML content as far as I know within the frames. I don't want to take up forum space if this is only for DHTML related entries. This is just about me being stuck at a wall called "IE on Win won't show the whole frameset" and I'm trying to post my problem on a forum on the web. So there you go. If you have a link to regular web site maker forum then please let me know. Sincerely - Benjamin.

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday December 14 2005 - 20:21:27 GMT
Try this code. You'll have to put your own pages in place of what I have listed. Your page would not show in IE, but this does and it is made from the info from each frame in your page.
<FRAMESET border=0 frameSpacing=0 frameBorder=no ROWS="94,*">
<FRAMESET frameBorder=no COLS="94,970,202">
<FRAME SRC="Audio.htm" NAME="CHE1 Audio frame" SCROLLING="No">
<FRAME SRC="Headline.htm" NAME="CHE1 Headline frame" SCROLLING="No">
<FRAME SRC="Topright.htm" NAME="CHE1 Top right frame"
<FRAMESET frameBorder=no COLS="1*">
<FRAMESET frameBorder=no ROWS="*,32">
<FRAMESET COLS="91,78,196,329,*">
<FRAME SRC="Bookend_left.htm" NAME="CHE1 Bookend left frame">
<FRAME SRC="AWTBF_track_list.htm" NAME="CHE1 AWTBF track list frame">
<FRAME SRC="Mainpic.htm" NAME="CHE1 Main picture frame"
<FRAME SRC="Bookend_right.htm" NAME="CHE1 Bookend right frame" SCROLLING="No">
<FRAMESET COLS="*,1211">
<FRAME SRC="Bottom_left.htm" NAME="CHE1 Bottom left frame" SCROLLING="No">
<FRAME SRC="Link.htm" NAME="CHE1 Link frame"
<FRAMESET frameBorder=no COLS="94,970,202">
<FRAME SRC="Audio.htm" NAME="CHE1 Audio frame" SCROLLING="No">
<FRAME SRC="Headline.htm" NAME="CHE1 Headline frame" SCROLLING="No">
<FRAME SRC="Topright.htm" NAME="CHE1 Top right frame"
<FRAMESET frameBorder=no COLS="1*">
<FRAMESET frameBorder=no ROWS="*,32">
<FRAMESET COLS="91,78,196,329,*">
<FRAME SRC="Bookend_left.htm" NAME="CHE1 Bookend left frame">
<FRAME SRC="AWTBF_track_list.htm" NAME="CHE1 AWTBF track list frame">
<FRAME SRC="Mainpic.htm" NAME="CHE1 Main picture frame"
<FRAME SRC="Bookend_right.htm" NAME="CHE1 Bookend right frame" SCROLLING="No">
<FRAMESET COLS="*,1211">
<FRAME SRC="Bottom_left.htm" NAME="CHE1 Bottom left frame" SCROLLING="No">
<FRAME SRC="Link.htm" NAME="CHE1 Link frame"
But, I have to tell you I don't see anything on the bottom left, that's because you have the frames set at 55 width and 1211 width and my resolution is 800x600 so that is wider than my browser resolution. But, I do see all the other frames unlike with your page. I have IE5.5. You'll have to substitute your own pages. I put in blank pages with colored bg to test what I was seeing.