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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:20
menus hanging
Poster: panflute
Dated: Tuesday December 27 2005 - 4:19:15 GMT
Dear Ruth:
You are super (I bet you hear that a lot)....
Thank you for the tips....I stumbled past that one & did get the sub menu working.
I am still at the point of trying to figure out if this menu is going work for the site, and am hoping I can make the menu work without getting into style sheets or a lot more programming beyond the I need to ask:
On my XP machine, with IE, the menus hang - they do not close properly & overlap.
Using Opera, they behave nicely. Is that an IE quirk? Is there a fix?
Is it possible the animated gifs or animated background on the page are interfering?
(sometimes they make the pages flicker when I use my html editor - coffeecup)......
thanks abe
please forget that last question
Poster: panflute
Dated: Tuesday December 27 2005 - 4:33:31 GMT
I adjusted the menuclosedelay & it seems to fix it...
Poster: Migru
Dated: Tuesday December 27 2005 - 10:42:17 GMT
try to modify
_subOffsetLeft=-10; to
Another issue is, the property
I´ve not tested this, but it seems it is modifying the menu width, as soon as its status is "on". Is it disturbing the menu (may cause the "flickering") ?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Tuesday December 27 2005 - 19:41:29 GMT
OK, I've been looking at this and testing some things. Michael is right on the menu changing. The reason is twofold.
1. You have the font in the mouseoff state set to normal, and in the mouseon state to onbold=1; The item 'shifts' i.e. expands to let it put in the larger spacing needed when you bold the text.
2. Your subimage is 15x9 but your onsubimage is 15x15, that also adds to making the menu item shift. You need to have the on and off subimages the same size.
I have a question. Are you doing the bold to try and highlight the items? If that is the case I suggest you do something with onborder instead. For example, to test it, put a // in front of the onbold=1; so it is turned off for the time being and add onborder="3px solid #ffffff"; up in that style section. I used white but you can use a different color if you wanted. That will put a border on the bottom and right of the item when you mouseover the item making it look like it's highlighted.