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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:22

Menu statements have no effect

Poster: keithyoung89
Dated: Monday December 5 2005 - 12:30:42 GMT

If I use the following:


the only statement that has any effect is menuCloseDelay. The menu always opens immediately regardless of the opendelay parameter I place in it and the subOffset statements have no effect - sub-menus are always aligned durectly below the main menu item.

I'm using v5.66 as v5.736 causes other problems (see my previous post "upgrade to v5.736 messes up item width")

All help gratefully received for either post!!!!


Poster: keithyoung89
Dated: Friday December 9 2005 - 22:02:39 GMT

any ideas on this one please?

Global parameters

Poster: Migru
Dated: Saturday December 17 2005 - 16:01:01 GMT


there is a minor issue, if you are using these parameters as listed:
Is there a semicolon at the end of each setting ?

The next issue is, that in the meantime v.5.737 is the actual version .
It is also a great help if you provide an url where the menudata file can be looked at, with a description of the real problem and where and when they occur. I can give you e.g. an example, where the submenu opens 100s of pixels away from the main menu, like a popup window !! So if this does not work in your application, there must be something with your syntax or the positioning of the menu.


Poster: vikenk
Dated: Saturday December 17 2005 - 16:21:53 GMT

I've noticed that the open and close delays do not work on the main menu items, but only on the submenu items, which I find interesting.

Look at my example:

Go to "Pictures" (where there are lots of submenus) and see the effect. Here are my settings:


Notice that only the submenus are affected and not the main menu items. I haven't been able to explain this.'re not the only one. I'm using the 5.737 pre-release.

Viken K.

Thanks - some progress

Poster: keithyoung89
Dated: Saturday December 17 2005 - 17:14:38 GMT

I had indeed omitted the ; from the end of the statements and will be correcting this. However, I notice as does Viken that the parameters only affect the submenus.

I would, ideally, like to have the items that drop down from the main menu (which I had mistakenly referred to as 'sub-menus') to be offset from the main menu items, rather than always left-align immediately below.

Please see which is one of the sites I am managing where I use Milonic (4 in all).

I am still on v5.66 but will move on to 5.737 asap and see what it does.

Thanks all. Keith

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday December 17 2005 - 18:28:40 GMT

menuOpenDelay is a feature that works with the default vertical menus and is there only because it is easy to have the mouse move off one vertical item to another, that's not usually the case in horizontal menus.

If you want horizontal menu parent items to have a delay for the submenu you need to add horizontalMenuDelay = true; up at the top where you have the other global properties, i.e. openMenuDelay etc.

There is a list of global properties on teh main site under the Menu Quick Reference Guides. Below my name is a link to some of the guides, once at one of them you can use the menu under the DHTML Menu link to get to the others.

To offset submenus from the horizontal main menu, use the top="offset=x"; and left="offset=x": in the menu properties of the submenu you want to offset. Negative values are acceptable, also. Remember if you offset it too far away from the parent item the mouse will go off the parent and the sub might close before you get to it.
Using offsets and screenpostion The sample is applied to a main menu, but you'd pretty much use it the same way to apply it to a submenu. Make sure you test it.
