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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:22

Menu item TARGET ignored

Poster: erik_c
Dated: Thursday December 8 2005 - 22:19:12 GMT

I just upgraded to the new 5.736 version of the milonic menu, and noticed that the TARGET parameter of the aI() function is working differently.

We have an area with three frames:
<frameset cols="215,*" border="0" framespacing="0" frameborder="0">
<frame src="leftSource" name="side" scrolling="no">
<frame src="topSource" SCROLLING="NO" MARGINHEIGHT="3" MARGINWIDTH="10" name="header">
<frame src="bodySource" name="body">

The menu from the "header" frame drops down over "body" so all of the menu items have "target=_top" appended at the end. This used to work, but since I upgraded the menu version, the only target that seems to work is _blank.

aI("text=Summary Table;url=theURL;status=View a table summary of your form's results.;onfunction=topHintOn('helpMessage');offfunction=topHintOff();target=_top;");

Now, the links to _top open inside _self.


Poster: Migru
Dated: Friday December 9 2005 - 14:23:45 GMT


this is more or less, what has been reported pls. see

could not find out, what the reason is, maybe someone of the team will


Michael (Migru)

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday December 9 2005 - 19:51:32 GMT


I've reported it to Milonic so there should be a fix soon.
