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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:23

Menu flicker over ActiveX

Poster: IK13
Dated: Thursday December 1 2005 - 20:08:45 GMT

When the menu happens to show up over an ActiveX control (Crystal Reports Viewer in this case) and you scroll through the menu items the menu flickers quite a lot, which appears to be an issue for some clients.

Is there any way to fix this?

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday December 1 2005 - 21:22:50 GMT

We need a page to see what's up.


Poster: IK13
Dated: Thursday December 1 2005 - 23:16:13 GMT

How can I send you a page(s)?

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday December 1 2005 - 23:45:38 GMT


Just post the link. If you're unable to give us a link, use the code tags and post the html, any css, and the menu data file. Also, you need to check your menu version and make sure it is the newest. Little bugs get fixed. The newest version is 5.736 If you have an old version we could try to fix things and never get you a solution because some small thing might have been fixed in a newer version.


Poster: IK13
Dated: Friday December 2 2005 - 0:32:51 GMT


Thanks for the prompt reply.
Unfortunatelly I cannot point you to a URL.

I can zip and send you some files, though?

Or if you have CrystalReports ActiveX viewer installed (I can also send you the CAB file) and any test page with a menu (I'm sure you do have this), just put the viewer on the page (in an iframe) using something like this:

<OBJECT ID="CRViewer" CLASSID="CLSID:2DEF4530-8CE6-41c9-84B6-A54536C90213" WIDTH="100%" HEIGHT="95%"
codebase=",2,2,511" VIEWASTEXT>
<PARAM NAME="EnableRefreshButton" VALUE=0>
<PARAM NAME="EnableGroupTree" VALUE="1">
<PARAM NAME="DisplayGroupTree" VALUE=1>
<PARAM NAME="EnablePrintButton" VALUE=1>
<PARAM NAME="EnableExportButton" VALUE=1>
<PARAM NAME="EnableDrillDown" VALUE=1>
<PARAM NAME="EnableSearchControl" VALUE=1>
<PARAM NAME="EnableAnimationControl" VALUE=1>
<PARAM NAME="EnableZoomControl" VALUE=1>

it'll be just a blank rectangle, because it would require a web application to feed it with data, but thats ok)

Make sure that when the menu pulls down it goes over the viewer control and when you hover over the menuitems you'll see the menu flickering.


P.S. If I load a PDF and have the menu pop over the PDF document, then there's no flickering, so I don't know if it's just CrystalReports related issue or not.

P.P.S. I saw what appears to be the same issue, reported here

By the way - I did download the latest version and it didn't do any better.

Menu 5.746 Still Flickers over Active X object

Poster: RegGFX
Dated: Friday May 5 2006 - 8:06:40 BST

HI... i need some help really fast. My managers love the menu but they insist i find a way to stop the annoying flickering over the Active X object.

I'm having the same problem as User IK 13

I have a way for you to test and see the same problem i am getting.

1st go to the following link and download some software which is a Unix emulator that is embedded inside a web page as an active X control. The Software is called Co*STAR for the Web
the link is

2nd install the software and then run the sample version provided which is embedded inside a web page.

3rd place your menu just above the Active X object and then You Will See the Milonic Menu Flicker as you roll over the fly outs.

ANY HELP would be great in trying to figure out what i could do different.

Please Reply with something i could try. This should only take you about 20 minutes to quickly test and you'll see what i'm seeing.

Poster: IK13
Dated: Saturday May 6 2006 - 0:01:15 BST

I ended up hiding the ActiveX control when the user worked the menu. And displaying a message on the page saying something like "you'll see it again when you're done playing with the menu".

This seems more acceptable for my managers then the annoying flicker...

Good luck