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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:20

menu collapses

Poster: jencam
Dated: Wednesday December 28 2005 - 19:47:37 GMT

I don't think this problem is to do with the menu, but you may have an idea why this is happening.

On one page only, and all the other pages are fine, the menu shrinks as does the font on the page.

It may be a javascript conflict? This page does use one more javascript.

It is at

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday December 28 2005 - 20:54:07 GMT


It's this script
<SCRIPT src="460E2B977EB54309.js"></SCRIPT>
Which has to do with what is below the HEADINGS image from Xara. Since that is what's putting the tool below, I think the only way you'll fix it is to perhaps put a different menu_data.js fiel on that one page and set the fontsize="11px"; instead of the percentage. If it's set to pixels it doesn't seem to make it smaller.


menu in a table

Poster: Migru
Dated: Wednesday December 28 2005 - 21:21:54 GMT


it is something else, I think

the menu is in a table, but the files are "declared" as if its absolute positioned


Agree: Its not in a table, I was wrong
errare humanum est.

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday December 28 2005 - 22:53:07 GMT


Yes, you're right on the call for the files and I should have mentioned it. I just assumed they were in the table because the site uses a template and because it has google ads which put something at the top and I assumed they couldn't get to the body tag so set it in the table.

But, the menu is absolutely positioned, it's not set in a table per se, no position="relative"; so that isn't affecting the fonts, or even the position in most browsers, though if possible you're correct, the calls should be the first thing after the body tag.

I did find if I removed the call for the js file I posted the font went back to normal. I think that calls the Xara tool which has font and font sizes, pts actually is what it uses and I think that is the conflict.
WHen I removed that file and reloaded the page, the font was normal.


Poster: jencam
Dated: Thursday December 29 2005 - 4:17:47 GMT

I think you are dead right Ruth. The menu is not in a table, by the way. I don't know what will happen now when I add sample javascripts to my pages.

Poster: jencam
Dated: Thursday December 29 2005 - 8:24:39 GMT

I tried the menu with 11px font size and another name for that menu data with no better result.

I used to have this on another page with the milonic menu and the heading thing with no trouble.

Is ther another JS I can get rid of?

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday December 29 2005 - 12:25:23 GMT


The only thing that fixed it was either the 11px font size or removing that file. I don't know why the 11px didn't do it for you. What browser is this you are using and do you have something set to have smaller fonts or something, though that didn't affect it in my IE, but it does affect it in FF if it's set to decrease.

If you do the following it will apply to all menus that use the menuStyle.

Create a class, I called it mFont. .mFont{font-size:11px;} I put that into the head of that page, but I'd guess you can put it in your style sheet. Then you do have to make a different data file because you need to remove the fontsize=75% and add in place of that offclass="mFont";onclass="mFont"; You need both class for the off and on state of the menu.
