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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:20

Menu attached to an image location

Poster: Bedient
Dated: Thursday December 29 2005 - 22:02:00 GMT

I am trying to find an example of a menu that will pop up from a picture or button on a the page. Punchstock has an example when you do a image search. myEbay also uses it too. It's similar to a tooltip.


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday December 29 2005 - 22:49:56 GMT


Try looking at the Using the PopUp Menu Function Positioned by Images sample

I just took a look at PunchStock and you could use a popup or you could depending on your layout set up menus in a table cell above the image and the submenu would drop over them you would get the same 'action' more or less. That's because in the Milonic menu, all menus can be main menus and you can have as many of those as you'd like. Setting them to alwaysvisible=1; makes them a main menu, so you could have what looks like the popup menu with text even. For example:

row, 2 columns: menu1 with picture name | menu2 with picture name
row, 2 columns: image | image

The top row has a 'main menus' which have submenus with all the info. Because they are set as always visible each will show in the cell in which it is placed, and because they have submenus and you set the subimage=arrow.gif they will have little arrows to the right.

There's no reason not to use pop up, I just wanted to let you know you can do it using a regular menu also. If you have a lot of things, you're probably better to use popups rather than putting main menus into a lot of table cells.
