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Taken From The Forum: Windows Menu Builder
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:20

Macintosh API

Poster: synergy46
Dated: Wednesday December 28 2005 - 10:37:13 GMT

I am jealous. There are no Javascript or DHTML menu building sites that support the Macintosh OSX platform for constructing menus. Sure, the output is cross platform compatible but noone has created a Builder product with Javascript. Is there a reason for this? (When I say "noone" I mean zero, zipp, zilch ... and I mean a front end) The ouput is cross platform why isn't the api?

Since Milonic has written the Builder for the PC how hard would it be to port it for the Mac? Also, why didn't they write it in Javascript which would support multiple platforms?

Just some of my little questions.

Love the product but I am definitely jealous.


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday December 30 2005 - 5:10:30 GMT

Hmm, I think the Menu Builder, the one that was beta for windows was never completed and is not being developed now. Milonic are working on an online Menu Builder.

There is one that is still in the works, a graphical one, and I have no clue if it will work on a Mac. What has been done has been done by a user of the menu, and I've messed around, but I don't know functions and such. This might work on a Mac. It's not done, and there are some problems with the latest version, it freezes on the Images and some things are 'coming soon', but if it works on the mac, you can download the files. I use it to play around with designs, making sure I don't click the Image tab since that is what ends up freezing my browser!

The site is

Let me know if it does work with the Mac. It isn't an api, just a graphical editor.
