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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:21

Javascript / Menu Images load slow in IE?

Poster: JAM1515
Dated: Friday December 16 2005 - 2:04:46 GMT

The images on rollover load very slowly in IE but not Netscape, Firefox, etc. This is actually something I've seen with other javascript too. Has anyone run into this?

You can view it here:

Thanks for any and all help!

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday December 16 2005 - 4:38:18 GMT

I'm not actually seeing any difference. Also, I don't see the Milonic Menu files anyplace.


Poster: John
Dated: Friday December 16 2005 - 18:52:37 GMT

Ruth wrote:
Also, I don't see the Milonic Menu files anyplace.

Nor do I...

Poster: JAM1515
Dated: Friday December 16 2005 - 22:32:37 GMT

What are the Milonic Menu files... does this matter? I purchased the product if that's what you're wondering.

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday December 16 2005 - 23:29:36 GMT


Yes, it does matter. If it's not Milonic, then we wouldn't know what the problem is. If it is Milonic but we can't find the file we can't look at your coding in the menu_data.js file to see if something in the file is causing it.

The files are milonic_src.js, mmenudom.js, mmenuns4.js, plus there is the file that the user edits to put in the links, text that shows on the menu, colors and such. In the downloaded product that would be menu_data.js though many change the name of that file.

I do see a file called global_nav_src.js, on viewing it nothing in there seems to be related to Milonic. I viewed the other js files and none of them seem to be anything to do with Milonic.


Yes, waaay to slow on IE compared to ...

Poster: Genevois
Dated: Sunday December 18 2005 - 18:46:17 GMT

Fireforx, Opera, Netscape, etc. But IE remains the number browser as of today, so we can't ignore the issue.

We're a non-profit organization and we started to use an old version of the Milonic menu a couple of years ago with a license number.

Check out this page with all the browsers you have and you'll see what I mean: Help please. Otherwise we'll have to start looking for something else. Thanks in advance.

Poster: Andy
Dated: Sunday December 18 2005 - 19:39:23 GMT

I can't see any problems with your site either.

Can I suggest that you take a look at your Internet connection, the page and images load instantly from where I am.

-- Andy

Poster: JAM1515
Dated: Sunday December 18 2005 - 20:48:15 GMT

It's happening on some machines. I've seen it on two. I'm using IE 6.0.2.

Genevois, do you see it on my site too?

Your site navigation loads instantly for me.

Poster: Genevois
Dated: Sunday December 18 2005 - 21:32:56 GMT

Hi Andy, thanks very much for the fast fast response. No I don't think it's a problem with my internet connection. The key issue here is the difference between browsers. I'm right now in my office in Geneva, Switzerland. Our internet connection isn't bad at all. Suppose I'm at somewhere else in the world and I'm indeed suffering from slow connection, then the differences between browsers should just be more obvious, I guess.

Can you try this page to see if you can feel any difference:

The first one has the DHML menu, the second one doesn't. I'd long thought this problem is caused by the Server Side Include (SSI) function. But two days ago an local IT company told me it must be the big DHML menu javascript file (32 KB). But hey, why other major browsers work a lot better? Our web server is just 30 meters away from where I'm sitting now, but if I click on the first link (shtml), for one second I can only see a white blank page with IE. The second page loads literally instantly. With Firefox, however, the difference is extremely teeny-weeny, can be ignored.

Jam, your site_map link gave me a 404 file not found message. So I tried your new_site link. The test result is the same as with our own site. With IE, in the first one second I see a blue background, nothing else. No such problem with other browsers. Firefox is still the winner though.

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday December 19 2005 - 3:32:47 GMT

I am on dial-up which is about 48,000 bps, and I'm not having any problem at all in any browser I use including IE which is my browser of choice.

I do suggest you get version 5. There's even an online converter so you can just convert your existing menu array file with very little clean up needed.

But that's not the issue since I'm not getting a slow load of the menu.


problem with IE

Poster: Genevois
Dated: Monday December 19 2005 - 14:55:02 GMT

Hi Ruth, to be honest, this is not a huge problem. It takes one second to load the page with IE, but takes only 1/10 of a second for Firefox. The difference is big but perhaps 1 second isn't too bad. What da ya say? :o) Probably there's nothing that you guys can do to improve this? and probably IE 7 will fix all this?

But if you can take a look at the way how I've placed the scripts etc and see if I could have done anything wrong, I'll appreciate it.

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday December 19 2005 - 16:19:20 GMT


We don't have any way to help you, that is version 3, it is no longer supported, it hasn't been in development since 2002, or '03 and we'd have no idea how it works/worked.

You really need to upgrade to 5 for any kind of support. YOu can post in teh archived version 3, but I don't think I've seen anyone actually answer a question in there for years since the menu version is no longer supported
