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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:19

I need an event when the menu is closed

Poster: Tony Fleig
Dated: Friday December 30 2005 - 12:25:01 GMT

I need to take action when my menu is closed.

I need to do it whether the menu is closed by a popdown() function call or by the user clicking on a menu item or a menu timeout or the user clicking elsewhere on the page.

Is there a way to do this? What I'm looking for is somewhere I can specify an "onmenuclose" function or something similar.

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday December 30 2005 - 14:54:40 GMT


I dont' know if the following links will help.

The demos have something called setTimeOut which as something to do with functions. There are a lot of functions there, soem of which can be put on pages.

Sorry, but there doesn't seem to be anyone on the forum now that does functions.


Re: I need an event when the menu is closed

Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Wednesday January 4 2006 - 1:22:15 GMT

Tony Fleig wrote:
I need to take action when my menu is closed.

I need to do it whether the menu is closed by a popdown() function call or by the user clicking on a menu item or a menu timeout or the user clicking elsewhere on the page.

Is there a way to do this? What I'm looking for is somewhere I can specify an "onmenuclose" function or something similar.

Hi Tony,

I haven't been on the forum for a long time, but happened to stop by tonight. This intriguing problem caught my attention. There is no such property, although it was discussed at one time. I don't know if it will eventually be implemented, but I can certainly see some good uses for an onclose property.

In the meantime, I have an idea that might work... basically constructing your own onclose event. But its execution depends on some specifics. Are you looking to fire an "onclose-like" event for any possible menus (possibly with multipe open menus at one time), just one specific menu, or multiple possible menus but only one menu open at a time?



Poster: Tony Fleig
Dated: Wednesday January 4 2006 - 6:41:40 GMT

Hi. Thanks for responding.

For my application I use multiple menus with only one open at a time.

I can see this being a common requirement as more and more application logic moves to the browser as AJAX clients become the norm. In my case, I have document elements that are disabled while a menu is up and must be re-enabled when the menu has closed.

I have implemented a setInterval-based method of doing this for now, checking to see whether the a menu is visible, but it is in essence unsatisfactory as a long-term solution.

Poster: Andy
Dated: Wednesday January 4 2006 - 11:20:53 GMT

Hi All,

Just thought I'd step in here.

There are a couple of hooks you can use.

One is M_hideLayer() and the other is mmVisFunction()

The mmVisFunction() function will fire when every menu is opened and closed and passed to it are the menu object and a show/hide flag.

The M_hideLayer() function will fire when menu sets are opened and closed and passed to it are the menu object and a show/hide flag.

These functions are empty by default, all you have to do is put you're own code inside them, here's an example:

function M_hideLayer()
   // args[0] is the menu object reference
   // args[1] is the show flag - one(1)  for show, zero(0) for hide
   window.status=args[0] + " - " + args[1]

One day, I'll be able to document everything that this menu does and is capable of 8)

Hope this helps,

Poster: Tony Fleig
Dated: Wednesday January 4 2006 - 14:02:34 GMT

Andy that sounds like exactly what I need. Thanks a lot!

Of course now I'm wondering what other neat hooks there are that I don't know about...