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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:22
Adding a mailto link with an obfuscated address
Poster: Doubledown
Dated: Thursday December 8 2005 - 23:53:43 GMT
Hi there, i'm trying to add a mailto link in a menu item. I know how to add a mailto link for a typical email address, but the client I am doing this for wants the email address obfuscated, so that spambots won't recognize the email address. Here's a link to an obfuscator, in case you're not familiar with the idea -
Anyways, after I convert the email address, the resulting obfuscated address ends up being a collection of letters, semi-colons, ampersands, and the like. (I'd show you what the obfuscated string of characters were, but this posting tool converts it to the correct email address. Try the obfuscator for yourself to see the type of text string that it comes up with for an email address.)
Obviously, the menu doesn't react well to that.
Anyone have an idea as to how to implement this obfuscated address into the menu?
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Friday December 9 2005 - 5:50:25 GMT
Try this post for information on obfuscated email mailto links. There's an example of doing it with a javascript function and also it shows how with php but I don't know what you'd put in the link for the php one.