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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:21
About Purchasing a Menu
Poster: JoeC
Dated: Monday December 19 2005 - 17:09:55 GMT
Hello, i was curious about how the lienceing works. I want to use one of your menus for a site. If i purchase the year long one for $26 dollars, does it cost another 26 dollars for the years after?? Also i don't want any ad's on the pages. Or can i get like a discount if i sign up for a year.? Thanks Joe
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Monday December 19 2005 - 18:18:31 GMT
Hi Joe,
That's actually pounds not dollars. The license is good forever with that purchase, with one year of support and downloads of all the updates within that period. After that time, if you want to continue support you'll need to renew which is at a discount. You'd have to check with Milonic on the discount, I don't know that rate.
Once you purchase the license it is good for one site, i.e. you couldn't use it on different domains or sub domains, though some sub domains may be considered part of the original site. Again, you'd have to check with Milonic on that. If you don't renew, you don't have to remove the menu or get ads or anything, you just cannot update it or be entitled to any support after the renewal date. The Milonic menu never puts ads into the menu!
Poster: JoeC
Dated: Monday December 19 2005 - 18:25:58 GMT
Ok, Thanks alot i appreciate the fast reply.