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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:22
<MY SOLUTION> Menu losing track of hyperlinks and imag
Poster: vikenk
Dated: Friday December 9 2005 - 16:02:34 GMT
Sorry, this was meant to be a new post and not a reply to my previous post.
Hello everyone,
Well, I found a relatively simple solution to my problem. It may not be the best fix, but it allows me to use the menu and not have to totally redesign the website structure.
I created a duplicate menu_data file with adjuted hyperlinks. So far, it's worked very well on my local copy of the website.
In the website I working on, most of the core htm files are in the root folder. All the picture files (the site is somewhat picture-based) are located in their repective folder two levels deeper, for example: /images/folder01/pic01.htm, /images/folder02/pic01.htm, etc.,
Since all the pictures are in the same level of the site, I created a duplicate menu_data file and called it menu_dtat_pics.js. All the info in the file is the same except that the links have been adjusted to ../../home.htm, etc.
For me this was an easy solution because of the structure of the site. If I had more htm files scattered in many different folders at many different levels, this would not have been very feasible. works for me.
Maintenance should not be much of a problem since the menu doesn't change much and adding one or two items will not be much of a hassle.
Just a temp solution until Milonic updates the menu. Maybe they could add a global variable that says rootfolder="blahblahblah". That way you can tell the menu where it's starting point is in the hyperlink structure.
Thanks for taking the time to offer support!
Viken K.