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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:34

unnecessary horizontal scroll bars appearing [solved]

Poster: nwilcox
Dated: Wednesday August 31 2005 - 0:02:31 BST


I'm getting these unecessary horizontoal scroll bars in the IE browser (only) when I include the javascript files and referencing a parent menu within a table.

If I remove the Menustyle property, the menu is not created, but the horizontal scroll bar goes away.

any ideas?

Here is my inline table reference:

with(milonic=new menuname("MainNavigation")){
aI("title=Home;status=Home;image=<%=FileSource%>images/btn_home_<%If action = "" OR action = "home" Then%>over<%Else%>up<%End If%>.gif;overimage=<%=FileSource%>images/btn_home_over.gif;url=<%=linkRoot%>;");
aI("title=Industry Solutions;status=Industry Solutions;image=<%=FileSource%>images/btn_industrysolutions_up.gif;overimage=<%=FileSource%>images/btn_industrysolutions_over.gif;showmenu=SubNavigation;");
aI("title=Learning Center;status=Learning Center;image=<%=FileSource%>images/btn_learningcenter_up.gif;overimage=<%=FileSource%>images/btn_learningcenter_over.gif;showmenu=SubNavigation;");


Poster: nwilcox
Dated: Wednesday August 31 2005 - 0:30:45 BST

for some reason if I place the inline table declaration for the menu and have the <td> aligned right I get the extra spacing.

Can I right align a menu in a cell without this weird scrollbar in IE?


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday August 31 2005 - 7:39:32 BST


I just went to the page with IE5.5 and I'm not getting a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom.

If you changed something could you give us the coding that is there both in the table and in the menu when it happens?



Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday August 31 2005 - 14:51:02 BST

I just checked with IE6/XP Pro/SP2 and don't see the bar, either.

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday August 31 2005 - 16:31:07 BST


I put in align="right" in the td where you have the menu, I think that's what you were saying, and I see
the problem.

If you must have the align="right" in that td you can eliminate the horizontal bar at the bottom
by placing the menu inside a table inside that cell. You'd use your full menu of course.
I cut it down so it wouldn't expand this page at my resolution :)

<TD align="right"><!--Begin Milonic Menu-->
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<tr><td><SCRIPT type=text/javascript>
with(milonic=new menuname("MainNavigation")){
aI(" all your aI stuff here
<!--End Milonic Menu--></TD>


Poster: nwilcox
Dated: Wednesday August 31 2005 - 16:36:35 BST

Hi Ruth,

why do I have to place it within another table?

I ended up just adding a spacer image in a new cell and making the menu cell just big enough for the menu and that solved the issue.

I still don't see why I have to do what you are indicating. Is there a reason for this anomaly.

Also the right alingment works awesome. I got that figured out last night on my furthest right menu.

Nice work guys! 8)

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday August 31 2005 - 16:45:58 BST

To answer your question of why you have to put it in another table... I don't know. I couldn't figure out why it was putting in the space and causing the scroll bar, but in my experiments I found that putting it in another table inside that cell stopped it from happening.


Poster: nwilcox
Dated: Wednesday August 31 2005 - 22:01:26 BST

Hi Ruth,

seems VERY odd why is slaps the scrollbars in there like that

well, I got it to work so that is all I really care about. :D
