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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:34

Menu positioning off in Firefox

Poster: Rusty
Dated: Wednesday August 24 2005 - 2:12:57 BST

Anyone know what might be causing this?

Looks great in IE, but Firefox is having an issue. ... 3&bypass=1

Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday August 24 2005 - 14:46:03 BST

Exactly what is the "this" you're concerned about? Looks fine to me in FF 1.0.6.

Poster: Rusty
Dated: Wednesday August 24 2005 - 16:51:38 BST

Interesting. I just looked at a friends browser on Firefox and he doesn't see anything either. The difference between our computers is that I have Service Pack 2 installed in Windows XP Pro. That must be the issue.

Poster: John
Dated: Wednesday August 24 2005 - 17:01:08 BST

I have SP2 and XP Pro with no errors seen, as mentioned.

Guess again... :D

Poster: Rusty
Dated: Wednesday August 24 2005 - 17:56:52 BST

Well, I'm stumped. Here's what it looks like on mine.


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Thursday August 25 2005 - 2:33:28 BST

You might try updating the menu. You've got I Version 4.0 Beta 1.13. Nothing before Version 5.729 is supported. I don't even remember when that was out there.


Poster: Andy
Dated: Thursday August 25 2005 - 11:00:48 BST

Aha, I see the problem now, try resizing the browser and you'll see the problem.

Looks like you've got a height=100% in there that's being rendered differently on the browsers.

Personally, I don't like the use of height=100% for anything (this reason in particular) so see if you can get rid of it.

Hope this helps,