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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:36

some pages are ok, rest are not

Poster: pasha
Dated: Friday August 5 2005 - 22:42:15 BST

please look at these two pages
the drop downs have proper font size

now look at this page from the same site, infact a copy and paste
the font size for the drop downs is messed up

please tell me what i can do to help this
thanks a bunch!
you guys rock!

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday August 6 2005 - 1:38:28 BST

The pages cannot be found, and if you just try the domain name breathefreely all you get is DesiComputer.Com - Domain Name & Hosting Services page.


Poster: pasha
Dated: Saturday August 6 2005 - 2:08:59 BST

yes, sorry, i am re-installing all pages after trying everything.
please check back in next 30 min
thanks for your reply

Poster: pasha
Dated: Saturday August 6 2005 - 2:28:46 BST

please check it now
same issue even after deleting and recreating the whole HOSTING AccounT!

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday August 6 2005 - 3:23:00 BST

I have checked both pages in IE5.5, Netscape7.1, Firefox 1.0.2 and the font size is the same on both pages in all those browsers.

You'll have to post which browser and OS so someone with the same can check it.

If it is those systems that you are testing, then can you post a screenshot using the img tag so we can see what's up?


Poster: pasha
Dated: Saturday August 6 2005 - 6:03:30 BST

IE 6.028 gives me this problem and
firefox 1.0.5
please suggest what to do?


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday August 6 2005 - 13:56:37 BST

I have split this topic into a new one, it is not the same as the other and should have its own topic.

Since I don't have those browsers, I can't see the problem and test to see what's causing it.

You can try a few things:

1. remove the style section coded in the head of each page and see if it still occurs. If it still happens then you know that's not the problem.

2. remove main.css and see if it still occurs

3. remove three.css and see if it occurs.

4. change your fontsize="67%" to fontsize="11px"; in the menu files and see if that fixes it.

Also, I do not see why you have each submenu in its own file, but if you want to keep that, that's up to you, however I would remove the menu style and put it in a separate file so you don't have to open each one of those and make changes in each file if you make a change in the style.

You can do either of the following. You are creating problems for yourself doing it as you have, if you make a change and forget to do it in a file then that submenu will be different. Also, it's a lot more work doing it with 4 files rather than just one file.

1. put all your submenus into the menu_data.js file, that way you are only calling the program files and one data file. You could put in info to separate each submenu, something like the following, if you are trying to make sure each submenu is easily found.

/ Dr Pasha submenu

with(milonic=new menuname("Meet Dr Pasha")){

aI("text=      Raza Pasha MD;url=meet.php;")
aI("text=      Tour the Center;url=center.php;")
aI("text=      Meet the Staff;url=staff.php;")

/.............sinus and allergy submenu..................

with(milonic=new menuname("Sinus and Allergy Center")){
aI("text=      Allergy Management;url=sac_default.php;")
aI("text=      Sinus Management;url=sinus_mgmt-default.php;")
aI("text=      Surgical Solutions;url=sinus_sur_sol_default.php;")


2. If you want each submenu to have its own file, then take the menuStyle coding from all of them and put it into one file and name it something like menu_styles.js and just call it with the other files. That way if you're editing the style you only have to do it with one file.
<SCRIPT src="menu_styles.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT src="menu_data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT src="sinus_menu_data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT src="snor_menu_data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>
<SCRIPT src="ped_menu_data.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>

Also, I noticed you have

//pagebgcolor="#BCBB72"; //background of unknown

That is the background color of the item when you are on its page. So, let's say you go to the Allergy Management page, if you had that pagebgcolor set that item would have the pagebgcolor as its background and the pagecolor as its font color.

Finally, you do not have the call for the menu files after the body tag which is what the directions say to do when the menu is in a table.


Poster: pasha
Dated: Saturday August 6 2005 - 17:45:51 BST

i totally understand what you are saying
but look at these links for just a moment please

this is the test site before i moved these same pages to the final site ""

How come these same settings are working on test site.?


Poster: Ruth
Dated: Saturday August 6 2005 - 18:25:21 BST

I could look at the pages but it won't do any good. As I said, I do not have those browsers and it is not doing that in the ones I have.

There doesn't seem to be anyone available who has those browsers which is why I made the suggestions so that you could test things.

I can't see anything different anywhere so I can't say where to check. If you have a professional or up license you could log in on the main site and send a support request. Someplace in the info you got when you purchased a license there are directions for how to do that.


Poster: pasha
Dated: Saturday August 6 2005 - 23:05:32 BST

"4. change your fontsize="67%" to fontsize="11px"; in the menu files and see if that fixes it."

that helped!!!!