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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
Forum Topic: Click to view post
Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:36
First Tier mouseover not working - Firefox (Mac/PC) [SOLVED]
Poster: mpilgrim
Dated: Wednesday August 3 2005 - 20:03:59 BST
The mouseover effect is not working in Firefox (just on the first level menu) for me on MAC or PC:
(please ignore the broken images on the page)
It works fine in IE on both the PC and the MAC, and also Safari.
As you can see, in Firefox the second and third level menus show the mouseover effect just fine.
Can anyone help me?
It would be much apprciated.
- Matt
Poster: Ruth
Dated: Wednesday August 3 2005 - 20:20:25 BST
I'm getting the submenus fine in Firefox1.02.
Now, I notice on your page if you view source you seem to be calling all the files 3 times.
Immediately after the table that has the form you have the call for all the milonic files including the menu_data.js file, then you have the calls in a noscript tag. Not sure why since the menu needs javascript so it shouldn't work in that environment. Then you have it again down immediately below the noscript tag calls for the menu files.
I suggest you put the calls immediately after the body tag before anything else and just use the one call. I don't know if that's the problem or not since I do get all the submenus in my older Firefox
Poster: mpilgrim
Dated: Wednesday August 3 2005 - 20:26:19 BST
Hi Ruth thanks for the quick respose. I'll try what you're suggesting.
The submenus work fine, it's the top menu that's not getting the BG color changing to dark blue as you mouse over it. You can see it working in IE.
I'm running Firefox 1.7.5, I wonder if thats the difference.
- Matt