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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:08

Separator Image

Poster: spirollo
Dated: Wednesday September 22 2004 - 18:21:37 BST

I cannot get a separator image to appear. I have the following defined from the default menu that comes with the menu download. I tried putting a separatorimage after the samples menu. If I set "separatorsize to something it will indeed show the arrows over and over again llike a "separator line" so I know the file path is good. I have tried setting separatorheight, width, etc. to no avail.

What am I missing here?

with(milonic=new menuname("Main Menu")){
aI("text=Home;url=;status=Back To Home Page;");
aI("text=Menu Samples;showmenu=Samples;separatorimage=arrow.gif;separatorheight=5");
aI("text=My Milonic;showmenu=MyMilonic;");

Poster: Ruth
Dated: Sunday September 26 2004 - 5:33:52 BST

You would need this code to get your separatorimage in the horizontal or vertical menu
aI("text=Menu Samples;separatorimage=arrow.gif;separatorsize=1;showmenu=Samples;");

The separatorsize if set to 1 will just give you a line in the menu no matter which orientation. In the horizontal the menu reads the 1 as the width of the image, in the vertical it reads it as the height of the image. To show the image the separatorsize needs to be the width of the image in a horizontal menu: the arrow image is 5 px wide so set separatorsize to 5 it will be that width and will repeat y the height of the horizontal menu. It is 7 px high so in the vertical you'd specify separatorsize=7; and it will show the full arrow and repeat x across the menu.

separatorheight is for the horizontal menu and separatorwidth is for vertical and would be used for the following:

If you want to specify a different height in the horizontal, making the separator, [image or line] not go the complete height of the menu, then you would use separatorheight= and a number less than the menu height. If you want to specify a width in vertical that is less than the menuwidth use separatorwidth= and a number less than the vertical menu width.

Hope that helps.
