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Taken From The Forum: Help & Support for DHTML Menu Version 5+
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Last Updated: Saturday July 14 2012 - 06:07:08
Opera Support
Poster: Imkewljus4
Dated: Friday September 24 2004 - 20:19:32 BST
I have been building this site for a while:
The menu seems to work well on all of the computers I have tried, except for those running Opera 7.54. The other is a personal computer of mine, which is a Sony Vaio PCV-RZ46G. I am thinking that it may be Norton messing it up. Is there any way to bypass that?
Poster: Maz
Dated: Friday September 24 2004 - 22:29:44 BST
If it is Norton the only thing you can do is avoid keywords known in this thread
I see you have a .gov might not be easy to change.
Poster: stephen702
Dated: Saturday September 25 2004 - 0:03:20 BST
By any chance is this related to the Opera problem reported in this forum at
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Saturday September 25 2004 - 1:08:21 BST
Hi Bob,
stephen702 wrote:
By any chance is this related to the Opera problem reported in this forum at
Nope. A reasonable thought, Stephen, given that the particular issue you mentioned came up twice in the past couple of days. But that's a fairly minor issue and the Milonic Menus still work in Opera.
There are a couple of other things though Bob:
(1) You're not using a Milonic Menu on that site. The menu that you're using is "Jim's DHTML Menu".
(2) I had a quick look at the menu code (yikes!). There's a module in the incudes directory called browser.js. This js module determines what browser is being used. Based on that determination, the script then loads another js module that provides menu functionality specific to the browser in use. The problem you're experiencing is because the browser sniffer "falls through", without detecting that you're using Opera and without loading a module for Opera (there isn't one in your includes directory anyway). The result should be an "alert" box that tells the user that, "Your browser doesn't support this script" (leaving the user to wonder... "uh... what script?") Is that what you get?
(3) When it gets to that point, it'll try to redirect to a page called upgrade.html in the includes directory. In your implementation, you don't have a file called upgrade.html in your includes directory, which should generate a 404, file not found error, at which point the whole site would come to a grinding halt.
(4) I imagine that if it were there, the upgrade.html file would have a message about the need to upgrade. Which may totally baffle the casual user, since it's really the website that needs to have the menu script upgraded... not anything the site visitor can do. (Not a very elegant solution if you ask me.) I don't know if an upgrade.html file comes with the system or if you're expected to make one that tells the user to notify the webmaster.
I could go a bit further, but in fairness, I don't want to provide any more support for Jim's DHTML Menu in the Milonic Help forum. If you want to stick with Jim's, you should have enough info now to take it from here.
My advice: Convert to Milonic... it's a whole lot easier, and you get lots of good help!
Good Luck,
Holy Cow!
Poster: Jahnoth
Dated: Saturday September 25 2004 - 20:31:49 BST
Kevin, I was already impressed with the level of support that is given on these forums by volunteers. You just blew me away even more with pointing out everything this person could do to improve a non-milonic menu. Well done.
Re: Holy Cow!
Poster: kevin3442
Dated: Sunday September 26 2004 - 5:33:50 BST
Jahnoth wrote:
Well done.